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  1. Ranio


    Pour la 1ère question j'ai un trouvé une concentration de 12 mol/L est-ce juste ?
  2. Ranio


    Bonjour à tous alors voilà j'ai un tp(Manipulation 1) à faire en distanciel si vous pourriez juste me guider, m'expliquer le principe pour pouvoir commencer à répondre parce que je suis vraiment perdue et la chimie (avec des fonctions )ça fait longtemps; merci beaucoup, le 1er document en PDF explique les règles de sécurité et il y a les énoncés, et le 2ème document sont les questions. Merci beaucoup TP fa.pdf Compte-rendu TP1_2020-21.pdf
  3. Ranio

    Optique géométrique

    Bonsoir, j'espère que je ne vous dérange pas mais j'ai un peu du mal à comprendre une question d'un exercice qui traite de lentille mince qui est la suivante : Donner un exemple d’instrument optique qui utilise une lentille divergente dans une configuration où γ > 1. J'ai pensé aux jumelles ou alors à des lunettes astronomiques mais je ne saurai pas expliquer pourquoi. Merci de me dire si je suis sur la bonne piste Bonne soirée
  4. Bonsoir à tous je m'excuse de vous déranger mais est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer le principe des équations différentielles, de premier ordre, premier ordre sans second membre, premier ordre avec second membre réel, de second ordre à coefficients constants, modèle de Lotka-Volterra , modèle de verhulst . Je vous remercie d'avance
  5. Ranio


    Merci beaucoup !
  6. Ranio


    Bonjour à tous ! J'ai un travail à faire sur la notion Mythes et Héros, voici ce que j'ai fait si vous pourriez me corriger merci ! Myths and heros Hello ! today I am going to deal with the following issue: Why is William Shakespeare still important today? Which fall into the notion Myths and heros. But what’s a myth ? A myth is a story about heros, it can be a popular belief or a tradition. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements, a superhero or an icon. Today we are going to talk about Shakespeare who is an English poet, playwright and actor, born in 1564 and died in 1616, yet today he is still very well known. First of all, William Shakespeare is still famous today because he was, and still is, one of the best known writers in the English language. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. He married Anne Hathaway at 18 and had children (Hamnet, Shakespeare’s only son, died 11 years later). And then, Shakespeare moved to London and became a rather famous actor there. He also wrote poetry and invented new words like « assassination », or « bedroom ». He truly changed the way we speak English. Shakespeare is one of the most influential English-language writers and he is estimated to have contributed over 2,700 words to the language. His works consist of some 38 plays, 154 sonnets and several other poems (over 158 poems).Here's a phrase that Shakespeare is said to have invented, and it's commonly used today : "Break the ice" (The Taming of the Shrew)Often when you meet someone for the first time, you "break the ice" by asking them polite questions about themselves. Secondly, we've got Shakespeare's play Macbeth. Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare written in 1606. The character Macbeth reveals a truth about the human condition: be careful what you wish for, or, to put it another way, getting what you think you want doesn't necessarily bring happiness. The human condition is such that we tend to want what isn't good for us and to ignore what is good about what we already have. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were both deeply ambitious people. They both believed that being king and queen of Denmark would be wonderful. They wanted it so badly that they decided it was reasonable to kill an innocent king who had been good to them to achieve their aims. But as Macbeth quickly discovered, being king, especially in his circumstances, was not what he had expected. He was filled with constant fear and suspicion. He didn't enjoy ruling because he felt he paid too high a price, and he bitterly resented the prophecy that Banquo's descendants would be kings. He had Banquo, his close friend, murdered, as well as Lady Macduff and her children. Certainly, when the blood of others lies upon the hands of those of "vaulting ambition," they follow a path of murderous destiny that takes them from reality and leads them to madness. Finally, there are countless movies inspired by the works of Shakespeare. Despite his popular plays and literary works being hundreds of years old, William Shakespeare continues to influence modern culture. One of the most well known movies inspired by the works of Shakespeare is “10 Things I Hate About You.” It is based on “The Taming of The Shrew” . The movie uses many of the same names and even sneaks in a few Shakespearean quotes. To sum up, I think Shakespeare still importatn because he has a way of saying things that never been bettered and a way of getting to the nub of being a human being. Shakespeare not only had the most extensive vocabulary a playwright could boast of, he was also a creator of language, both in terms of lexicon and in terms of expressions, shortcuts or stylistic or rhetorical extensions. His plays are famous in many countries and people love them. Shakespeare's works are more flexible to work with and various nations of the world have been able to create adaptations that relate to their own history and cultural traditions. We have all heard about one of his plays such as Romeo and Juliette and sometimes we study it at school. Moreover actors such as David Tennant continue to make it alive. He is constantly being reinterpreted for every generation. He's a hero.
  7. Ranio


    mais comment je le résous ? je ne l'ai jamais fait en physique
  8. Ranio


    Bonjour à tous ! J'aimerai avoir besoin d'aide pour cet exercice, si vous pourriez m'expliquer le principe, je ne comprend vraiment pas; merci beaucoup
  9. Ranio


    Bonjour, Merci pour votre réponse, est-ce que les dialogues représentent bien les situations où on utilise le mot ? Pour good riddance =bon débarras c'est un peu traduction mot par mot non ? Melted into thin air, on peut dire aussi Vanish into thin air ? Merci
  10. Ranio


    Bonjour à tous ! Alors voilà j'ai un travail à faire sur les expressions de Shakespeare, voici ce que j'ai fait, si vous pouviez me corriger merci beaucoup ! Questions: 1. Which Shakespearean plays do these expressions come from? The be all and end all - This expression appeared in the English playwright William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, in the year 1605. Good riddance -This phrase originated in Shakespeare's 1609 play "Troilus and Cressida." Heart of gold -The use of the term ‘ heart of gold ’ is in common usage today, having been first used in Shakespeare’s play, Henry V. Melted into thin air -The phrase comes from Prospero's famous speech in The Tempest(1610-1611) 2. Translate the expressions into French.( You can’t translate word for word, You have to find the ‘sense’ of the Shakespearean expression and give a French equivalent) The be all and end all - Le but ultime (je ne suis pas sûre) Good riddance - Bon débarras Heart of gold -une personne de nature pure et aimante.( un coeur d'or ? je ne sais pas si je peux le mettre ) Melted into thin air -Disparaître sans laisser de traces. 3.For each of the 4 expressions imagine a situation where you would say them , Describe each situation (ici si on choisit des dialogues ça marche ?) Première expression : The be all and end all : James: So Sophie, what did you want to tell me? Sophie: I have a list of 100 reasons why I should be allowed to get another dog. James : Let me save you some time. You did a good job training your last dog, which is great! However, your school grades have not been great this year. Sophie: So? Grades aren’t that important? It’s more important to be a good person. James: That may be true. However, The be all and end all in regards to you getting a new pet is your report card. If you get all As in your classes this semester, I will let you get another pet. Sophie: Okay. It’s a deal! Deuxième expression : Good riddance : Sophie: Have you seen my sweater? Amelia: Which one? Sophie : Don't play innocent, if you're the one who took it from me, give it back to me now ! Amelia: Stop accusing me without proof, I've got more sweaters than you anyway, so I don't care about your sweater, go attack someone else! Sophie : You've always envied me anyway, so it wouldn't be surprising if you threw it away or even hid it! Amelia: I don't have that much to do, so look elsewhere! Sophie : I'll accuse you until I find it, come on Manon, I understand your little game! You're jealous of me, aren't you?! Amelia: I have absolutely nothing to envy you, and even less your nastiness! Amelia: If you find him, I'll be waiting for your apology, otherwise you're leaving the studio! Sophie : Alright, good riddance! Troisième expression : Heart of gold : Sophie: This email tells us that we have to attend a meeting, but it doesn’t tell us when or where this meeting is. Amelia: I guess you should just email the boss’s secretary to find out the details. Sophie: I would, but she scares me a little. She seems really grumpy all the time. Amelia: She comes across as being cold, but when you get to know her a little better, you find that she has a heart of gold. She’s actually very kind and helpful. Quatrième expression : Melted into thin air : James: May, hurry up! We're gonna be late! Maddie: It's okay. It's polite to be a little late to the holidays. James: Well, where I come from, it's polite to be on time. What's taking you so long? Maddie: I'm just making some last-minute adjustments to my outfit. James: It's not as important as being on time! Maddie: Are you kidding me? It's much more important. James: It's not important at all! We're gonna have fun, no matter what you're wearing. Maddie: Fun for me, yes, but fun for you? You're kidding me. I hope so. Last time we were here, you melted in the air. I was worried. James: I had an unscheduled appointment. Maddie: Well, I thought you were kidnapped. You seem to be taking this lightly. James: I wasn't gone long. Maddie: Not too long, long enough to go to the police about your disappearance. James: You've done too much but you're right I'll be careful next time; let's not waste time. Merci encore
  11. Bonjour à tous alors voilà j'aimerai savoir s'il n'y a pas de fautes dans ce petit commentaire sur "‘Why is William Shakespeare still popular today?’ ; merci d'avance I think Shakespeare is still popular today because Shakespeare is our mirror: it is in him and on him that we project or test our ways of understanding each other. Shakespeare not only had the most extensive lexicon a playwright could boast of, he was also a creator of language, both in terms of lexicon and in terms of expressions, shortcuts or stylistic or rhetorical extensions. All human beings can be found in his works. He knows how to write what the soul has of more beautiful and intelligent as well as ugly and stupid. Shakespeare's works are more flexible to work with and different nations of the world have been able to create adaptations that relate to their own history and cultural traditions.
  12. Ranio

    Correction / Macbeth

    Bonjour merci de votre correction , pour le texte mon professeur m'a aidé avant les vacances; et puis j'ai regardé plusieurs vidéos sur Macbeth pour avoir des termes précis et combler les trous ; donc je n'ai pas fait ça tout seul ; merci
  13. Ranio

    Correction / Macbeth

    Bonjour à tous, est-ce que vous pourriez me corriger ce texte sur Macbeth de William Shakespeare, merci beaucoup Summary of Shakespeare's play Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare written in 1606. Macbeth and Banquo are two generals in the service of Duncan, King of Scotland. They are loyal and brave. Returning from a victorious campaign against the rebels, they meet three witches in the moor who give them a prophecy: Macbeth will be made lord of Cawdor and become king, while Banquo will beget kings... Macbeth learns some time later that Duncan has named him Lord of Cawdor, thus fulfilling the first prophecy. The generals are gathered around Duncan who decides to stay in Macbeth's castle. Lady Macbeth receives a letter from her husband telling her about the prophecies of the witches. Impatient, she urges her husband to take his fate into his own hands and assassinate the king. She also suggests that he kill the guards to make them take responsibility for the crime. In his dreams, Macbeth sees a dagger that makes him think of crime. The arrival of King Duncan is foretold. At the instigation of his wife, Macbeth murders the king... Lady Macbeth enters the scene of the crime and stains the King's guards with blood to make them look like the murderers. Macduff and Lennox discover the crime and sound the alarm. There is great excitement in the castle. An old man and Roos talk about this mysterious murder. They also indicate that Malcolm and Donaldbain, Duncan's children, have run away. Macbeth ascended the throne. His wife suggests he eliminate Banquo and his son Fleanzio. Banquo, sensing dire plans, orders his son to flee. Macbeth has Banquo killed by his hired killers. During a banquet, the spectre of Banquo appears to Macbeth, who is delirious with guilt in front of his guests. Lady Macbeth tries to divert attention and calm him down. Macbeth decides to go back to the witches. The witches are gathered around a cauldron. They show Macbeth a series of apparitions and advise him to beware of Macduff, a nobleman who suspects him of the regicide. They assure him that he will be invincible as long as the forest of Birnam does not set out against him, and that no man "born of a woman" will be able to prevail over him. They also tell him again that Banquo's descendants will reign over Scotland. Lady Macbeth, for her part, urges her husband to eliminate Macduff, to set fire to his castle and to exterminate his entire family. Lady Macduff and her son are murdered by Macbeth's envoys. Macduff learns the horrible news and decides to join forces with Malcolm. He advises his people to camouflage themselves with tree branches from Birnam Forest. Lady Macbeth, sleepwalking, relives the crimes committed at her instigation, and dies. Macbeth remains convinced that the prophecies of the witches will be fulfilled. Hidden by the branches, Macduff's army advances and drives Macbeth's army into hiding. Macduff, facing his enemy, confesses to him that he was born by Caesarean section and was torn prematurely from his mother's womb, which explains the second enigma. He kills Macbeth. The victory is celebrated by exposing Macbeth's head on a spade. Malcolm, the rightful heir, is hailed king. Merci encore !
  14. Ranio

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