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Notion bac : espaces et échanges


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Bonjour, est-ce que je pourrais avoir une correction de mon oral s'il vous plait c'est très important. Merci d'avance.


I'm going to talk about the notion “Spaces and exchanges”. First, I give you a definition of this notion: "Exchanges" refers to exchange, one or more people who give and receive. There are several types of exchanges can be approached: trade, financial, cultural, migratory flows, conquests,... "Spaces" refers, him, to a geographical and symbolic areas where exchanges can take place. Various interactions like cultural, economic, sociological and language have shaped and characterized our modern day world. A space may be continuous area or expance wich free, avaible or unoccuped. But an exchange it's the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. C'est la rencontre entre deux mondes. To answer this question I will present 3 documents: Uncle Sam by KAL, A Boy's Journey by Seymour Rechtzeit, The Ellis Island Webqest and the audio of Trump's Mexico border wall.

In the first time, we will note that immigration has always been an integral part of the history of the United States of America and in a second time we are focusing on the immigration of USA today.

To what extent did the United States play the role of space and exchange in immigration for a while?

1ere partie :

For centuries, people from all walks of life have decided to migrate to other countries for economic reasons, politics, etc ... The dream of any immigrant would be to find a country where life is easy. This dream has been embodied for many years by the United States of America, they idealize the American dream in all its splendor according to which the US territory would offer a better life for all with opportunities for everyone. Each document that I will present to you all adopt a type of space and exchange many years ago.

In "The New Colossus" written in 1883 by Emma Lazarus, from a Portuguese Jewish family immigrated to the US, is a sonnet is about the Statue of Liberty and how it welcomes immigrants from all over the world. It deals with the topic on immigration and how friendly immigrants are welcomed by the statye of liberty which is a symbol for America. The "Colussus" refers to the Colussus of Rhodes which is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is a bronze statue of the sun god Helios. The statue is talking to all immigrants, tries to entourage the immigrants to come to the "New World" which is America. It's a personification becase the statue talks to the immigrants in the second part. This makes more appropriate for immigrants to understand. So we can say that it is an exchange between immigrants and the sonnet, he speaks to immigrants and helps them. This sonnet was engraved on a bronze plaque at the foot of the statue of liberty, which shows us that immigration came a long time ago to the United States.

However the role of spaces and exchanges exists in different forms there, for example on the site dedicated to Ellis Island "The Ellis Island Webquest" we learned that from 1892 to 1954 groups of person by thousands arrive by boat in a Immigration station to pass several stages by passing tests that will define their statue: whether they have the right to enter the United States or not. All of these immigrants come from countries around the world and have decided to come to the US to live the American dream, to feel free without being afraid of what made them flee from home. So we can say that this is part of the concept 'spaces and exchanges' because it is a migratory flow of people from all over the world in the United States, the main country chosen by migrants as well as various interactions like language.

my first document is a text entitled " a boy's journey " writen by seymour reichtzit an immigrant from poland en 1920 Seymour's family wanted to immigrate to the United States through the seas and oceans while sailing on a boat with more than deplorable conditions, however while passing by Ellis Island he was examined and because of his cold he had to stay there a few days being separated from his father. Finally, he was accepted in the United States. There he quickly became a famous singer and made a lot of money to bring his family to America.

Unfortunately, with the immigration laws that were established it did not work, so he sang for the President of the United States who agreed to help him bring his family to the United States.

only Seymour, although he was sick, and his father were allowed to enter the country. This text then adheres to the notion of spaces and exchanges at the level of cultural exchanges, migratory flows and various interactions like cultural, language and sociological.

Between the years 1800 and 2000, the United States has always been the country chosen by immigrants for all that it seems to offer as the myth of the "American dream". Nevertheless this dream is extended well after this passage.


To date, the United States is still the country chosen among migrants since accessibility is quite simple but also because some still believe that it is a place where all the wishes can be realized.

As for example, in the caricature of Uncle Sam in 2008 by Kal, we could see that the US uses to their advantage migrants to maintain the country, it pays them benefits because they work for cheap. But these people give, take care of the symbol as of the country but are unfortunately exploited by the USA by occupying unskilled jobs. They are used to increase their power over the world. This caricature then relates to the commercial and financial exchanges between the country and people of any origin but also in certain various interactions economic

However, it is not only in the history that immigration to the USA is marked since some projects are to be expected in the future in order to stop this flow of migration. One of the most popular projects is the construction of the wall promoted by Donald Trump during his election campaign that will prevent the drug from Mexico to enter the country of the United States as well as the arrival of immigrants from Mexico to USA. It will block anyone who tries to enter the country, thus eliminating migratory flows that could have brought some financial benefits to the country. However this wall refers to the geographical areas of the notion "spaces" since it is at the entrance of Mexico as of the USA. But this wall is part of the financial exchanges for the most part because while Trump decided this construction of this wall without the consent of Mexico, he decreed wanting to make Mexico pay the entire project is then part of the economic interactions of the concept "spaces".


In conclusion, I have just studied 3 documents demonstrating the fact that the United States has been a space of exchanges for years. Indeed, in my first part we have seen that immigration has always been part of the US in different forms: an immigration station, a bronze plaque at the feet of the Statue of Liberty and in a text of an immigrant. Through these examples we have seen that immigration is fully integrated into the country and is part of its history.

In my second part, we saw that today it is still the case since some artists express through caricatures, works, etc ... the role of the country in immigration as in future projects such than Donald Trump's wall that has a direct bearing on this. All these events, these forms all have a direct or indirect relation to the notion "spaces and exchanges" through different things at the financial, economic or even cultural level.

The USA is a country of immigrants, which makes the united-state a different and contrasted country.

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  • E-Bahut

Bonjour Lyysa, sois la bienvenue sur e-bahut. :)

Le 31/10/2019 à 13:12, Lyysa a dit :

Bonjour, est-ce que je pourrais avoir une correction de mon oral s'il vous plait c'est très important. Merci d'avance.

I'm going to talk about the notion “Spaces and exchanges”. First, I give you a definition of this notion: "Exchanges" refers to exchange, one or more people who give and receive. There are several types of exchanges that/which can be approached: trade, the financial world, cultural, migratory flows, conquests,... <Afin d'avoir une série de noms "Spaces" refers him, <Soudain quelle horreur ! Si tu tiens absolument à ajouter ce "lui" ou encore "quant à lui", cela se rend par "as for it/as regards it" mais ça alourdit inutilement. "to a geographical and symbolic areas <Puisque tu as employé l'article "a", c'est un singulier. where exchanges can take place. Various interactions like cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern day world. A space may be a continuous area or an expanse which is free, avaible or unoccupied. <Est-ce qu'il t'arrive de te relire ? :rolleyes: But an exchange it's is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. <Jamais de double sujet en anglais. C'est la rencontre entre deux mondes. <Et alors ??? To answer this question I will present 3 documents: Uncle Sam by KAL, A Boy's Journey by Seymour Rechtzeit, The Ellis Island Webquest and the audio of Trump's Mexico border wall.

In the At first time, we will note that immigration has always been an integral part of the history of the United States of America and in a second time subsequently we are focusing will focus on the immigration of to the USA today.<Pour la logique, le second verbe doit être au futur simple lui aussi.

To what extent did the United States play the role of space and exchange in immigration for a while?

1ere partie :

For centuries, people from all walks of life have decided to migrate to other countries for economic reasons, politics, etc ... The dream of any immigrant would be to find a country where life is easy. This dream has been embodied for many years by the United States of America, they idealize the American dream in all its splendor according to which the US territory would offer a better life for all with opportunities for everyone. Each document that I will present to you all adopted a type of space and exchange many years ago.

In "The New Colossus" written in 1883 by Emma Lazarus, from a Portuguese Jewish family immigrated to the US, is a sonnet is about the Statue of Liberty and how it welcomes immigrants from all over the world. It deals with the topic on immigration and how friendly immigrants are welcomed by the statue of liberty which is a symbol for America. The "Colossus" refers to the Colossus of one <Le pronom évite la répétition du nom> in Rhodes which is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is a bronze statue of the sun god Helios. The statue is talking to all immigrants, tries to encourage the immigrants  them <Et rebelote ! :rolleyes: Ignorerais-tu donc l'usage des pronoms ?  to come to the "New World" which is America. It's a personification because the statue talks to the immigrants in the second part. This makes more appropriate for immigrants to understand. So we can say that it is an exchange between immigrants and the sonnet, he it <Pour l'amour du Ciel ! :rolleyes: speaks to immigrants and helps them. This sonnet was engraved on a bronze plaque at the foot of the statue of liberty, which shows us that immigration came a long time ago to the United States.

However the role of spaces and exchanges exists in different forms there, for example on the site dedicated to Ellis Island "The Ellis Island Webquest" we learned that from 1892 to 1954 groups of persons by thousands arrived by boat in an Immigration station to pass several stages by passing undergo various tests that will would define their status: whether they have would be granted the right to enter the United States or not. All of these immigrants came from countries around the world and have had decided to come to the US to live the American dream, to feel free without being afraid of what made them flee from home. <Tu devrais tout de même avoir conscience que cela remonte à près de 130 ans. So we can say that this is part of the concept 'spaces and exchanges' because it is a migratory flow of people from all over the world in the United States, the main country chosen by migrants as well as various interactions like language.

My first document is a text entitled " a boy's journey " written by seymour reichtzit an immigrant from poland.<Les noms propres prennent une majuscule, ce n'est pas à moi de la mettre. en <Et alors ??? 1920 Seymour's family wanted to immigrate to the United States through the seas and oceans while sailing on a boat with in more than deplorable conditions. Nouvelle phrase> However while passing by Ellis Island he <A qui renvoie ce pronom sujet masculin ? Mystère. Lorsque le nom sujet employé précédemment est trop éloigné, là au contraire il faut le répéter> Seymour was examined and because of his cold he had to stay there a few days being separated from his father. Finally, he was accepted in the United States. There he quickly became a famous singer and made a lot of money to bring his family to America.

Unfortunately, with the immigration laws that were established it did not work, so he sang for the President of the United States who agreed to help him bring his family to the United States.

Only Seymour, although he was sick, and his father were allowed to enter the country. This text then adheres to the notion of spaces and exchanges at the level of cultural exchanges, migratory flows and various interactions like the cultural, language and sociological ones.

Between the years 1800 and 2000, the United States has always been the country chosen by immigrants for all the opportunities that it seems to offer as the myth of the "American dream". Nevertheless this dream is extended well after this passage.

To date, the United States is still the country chosen among migrants since accessibility is quite simple but also because some still believe that it is a place where all the wishes can be realized.

As for example, in the caricature of Uncle Sam in 2008 by Kal, we could see that the US uses to their advantage migrants to its advantage to maintain the country. <En anglais, il ne faut pas séparer le C.O.D. de son verbe. Nouvelle phrase> It pays them benefits because they work for cheap. But these people give, take care of the symbol as of the country but are unfortunately exploited by the USA by occupying unskilled jobs. They are used to increase their its power over the world.<Ne perds pas de vue qu'avec United States le verbe est toujours singulier bien que le nom soit pluriel. This caricature then relates to the commercial and financial exchanges between the country and people of any origin but also in certain various economic interactions economic. <L'adjectif épithète toujours avant le nom, tu l'as appris en Sixième.

However, it is not only in the history that immigration to the USA is marked since some projects are to be expected in the future in order to stop this flow of migration. One of the most popular projects is the construction of the wall promoted by Donald Trump during his election campaign that will prevent the drugs from Mexico to enter the country of the United States as well as the arrival of immigrants from Mexico to USA. <Tu as la fâcheuse manie des répétitions inutiles. It will block anyone who tries to enter the country, thus eliminating migratory flows that could have brought some financial benefits to the country. However this wall refers to the geographical areas of the notion "spaces" since it is at the entrance of on the border between Mexico as of and the USA.<Simplifie ton expression, tu y gagneras en clarté ! But this wall is part of the financial exchanges for the most part because while Trump decided this construction of this wall without the consent of Mexico, he decreed wanting to make Mexico pay the entire project, so this is then part of the economic interactions of the concept "spaces".

In conclusion, I have just studied 3 documents demonstrating the fact that the United States has been a space of exchanges for years. Indeed, in my first part we have seen that immigration has always been part of the US in different forms: an immigration station, a bronze plaque at the feet of the Statue of Liberty and in a text of an immigrant. Through these examples we have seen that immigration is fully integrated into the country and is part of its history.

In my second part, we saw that today it is still the case since some artists express through caricatures, works, etc ... the role of the country in immigration as in future projects such than as Donald Trump's wall that has a direct bearing on this. All these events, these forms all have a direct or indirect relation to the notion "spaces and exchanges" through different things at the financial, economic or even cultural level.

The USA is a country of immigrants, which makes the united-state <Encore une répétition inutile ! Pense au pronom !> it a different and contrasted country.

Avant de compter sur autrui, même si j'aide volontiers ici, prends l'habitude de te relire afin de corriger tes erreurs toi-même car personne ne le fera à ta place le jour du bac, que ce soit à l'oral ou à l'écrit.


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