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Addiction à la cigarette


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Mon professeur d'anglais m'a demandé de répondre à quelques questions à partir d'une affiche de prévention contre les addictions à la cigarette. Pourriez-vous corriger mes réponses ? Je me suis aidé d'internet pour la question trois (phrase surlignée en gras) car je ne connais pas le vocabulaire relatif aux maladies et à la santé, je vous prie dès lors d'excuser si vous lisez des aberrations.

1) The document is a poster of prevention. It was designed by the website On this poster of prevention, there are stubs of cigarette white and orange. The orange stubs form a head of death. We can read a slogan on the in the bottom right-hand corner : “Smoking kills 30 times more people than poisoning”. The atmosphere is morbid.

2) This poster is against the addiction in the cigarette.

3) First, the tobacco contains dangerous substances for health. For example, the arterial pressure augments, the heart rate moves faster and we can have lung problems. We can lose friends too because we become violent and aggressive when we don't smoke.

4) To stop the cigarette, it is important to have the support of his friends and to make an appointment with a psychologist. Then, we can buy medicaments which allow to reduce his need in nicotine.


Je vous remercie d'avance ;)

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  • E-Bahut


1) The document is a prevention poster/poster of prevention. <(1) It was designed by the website On this poster of prevention, there are stubs of white and orange cigarette butts/ends. <(2) The orange stubs <(3> butts/ends form a dead man's head of death.<(4) We can read a slogan on the in the bottom right-hand corner : “Smoking kills 30 times more people than poisoning”. The atmosphere is morbid.

(1) Quand son emploi est possible, le nom composé est toujours préférable.

(2) Attention à la place des adjectifs épithètes, toujours AVANT le nom.

(3) stub s'emploie pour le mégot de cigare.

(4) En anglais, il faut comprendre : une "tête d'un homme mort". ;)

2) This poster is against the addiction in to the cigarettes.

(5) Mémorise qu'en règle générale, l'article "the" ne s'emploie que devant un nom expressément déterminé, ce qui n'est pas le cas ici.

3) First, the <(5)> tobacco contains dangerous substances for health. For example, the arterial pressure augments, the heart rate moves faster and we can have lung problems. We can lose friends too because we become violent and aggressive when we don't smoke.

4) To stop the smoking cigarettes, it is important to have the support of his our <(6) friends and (to) make an appointment with a psychologist. Then, we can buy medicaments medicines which allow <(7)> will enable us to reduce his our need in nicotine needs. < voir note 1

(6) La forme impersonnelle étant assez rare en anglais, mieux vaut employer une tournure personnelle.

(7) allow = permettre/autoriser <//> enable = permettre/rendre capable.

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