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Give a speech for the class president elections

Prepare your speech

Introduction : (name, age, class) : Hello, my full name is Jade.......... and i'm in 3em..I wish to introduce myself to the election of delegates it's the first time that i introduce myself. I find that is enriching experience to live.

Personality : I am somene motivated and serious. sometimes i can be patien and attentive I think these are important qualities as delegate.

a brief anecdote/a good or bad memory) When ? Where ? What happened ? Conclusion.

I well tell you anecdote : During the holidays with my friends we walk to the lots of Mende my friend ans me have a lot my friend Alison for fun push Lili in the lot. Lili ans the mobile is very wet. Lili is very disppointed on Alison. We has to wolked 1 hours to arrived in house. Lili had to walk soeked, she was angry because her mobile was not working anymore.. It was so funny... And returning in the house Lili to scold for the parents..

My promises if elected president : If I want to beacome a delegate it is already and above all because i feel able to represent the class. I well tell you avout my program

If I am elected delegate i will make sure to you. I would put up at the back of the class " a box to listen " . You will be able to deposit all your problems and I would get the box back on the weekend.

I will make sure that at the end of the year are several outhings.

What I want people to do : I want you to vote for me !!

My slogan :  Vote for me and will be the heroine of the class !!!

J'aimerais avoir une correction merci

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Bonsoir, (ou Bonjour selon le moment, à ne plus oublier à l'avenir car tu t'adresses à des êtres humains ici, pas à des robots.)

Give a speech for the class president elections

Prepare your speech

Introduction : (name, age, class) : Hello, my full name is Jade.......... and i'm in 3em..I wish to introduce myself to the election of delegates it's the first time that i introduce myself. I find that it is an enriching experience to live.

Ø  3e de collège = Grammar school year 10 > I am attending year 10 in a Grammar school

Ø  se présenter à une élection = to stand as a candidate in

Ø  délégué de classe = class representative

Personality : I am somene motivated and serious. sometimes i can be patien and attentive. I think these are important qualities as a delegate.

Ø  vérifie l’orthographe de ces mots ! Connais-tu l’usage des majuscules ?

a brief anecdote/a good or bad memory) When? Where? What happened? Conclusion.

I well tell you an anecdote: during the holidays with my friends we walk to the lots of Mende my friend ans me have a lot my friend Alison for fun push Lili in the lot. Lili ans the mobile is very wet. Lili is very disppointed on Alison. We has to wolked 1 hours to arrived in house. Lili had to walk soeked, she was angry because her mobile was not working anymore. It was so funny... And returning in the house Lili to scold for the parents.

Ø  l’auxiliaire du futur s’écrit will

Ø  tu racontes un fait passé = prétérit

Ø   le Lot n’est une rivière  que si tu l’écris avec la majuscule !

Ø  tu es décidément fâchée avec l’orthographe de mots pourtant simples ; ouvre ton dictionnaire, vérifie et corrige !

Ø  comment peux-tu mettre un nom pluriel après le numéral 1 ? C’est très fort !

Ø  to + infinitif, tu l’as normalement appris en Sixième !

Ø  c’est Lili qui s’est fait gronder, pas ses parents = voix passive = was + participe passé

My promises if elected president: If I want to beacome a delegate it is already and above all because i feel able to represent the class. I well tell you avout my program

Ø  Tu as un problème avec ton clavier ? Tu ne sais pas te relire ?

If I am elected delegate i will make sure to you. < Ça ne veut rien dire ! I would put up at the back of the class " a box to listen " . You will be able to deposit all your problems and I would get the box back on the weekend.

Ø  une boîte à idées = a suggestion box Note que le COD doit suivre le verbe, le complément de lieu viendra après.

I will make sure that at the end of the year are several outhings. < il y aura = there will be + COD + complément de temps

What I want people to do: I want you to vote for me!!

My slogan:  Vote for me and I will be the heroine of the class!!!

J'aimerais avoir une correction merci

C’est toi qui vas faire ta propre correction en tenant compte de mes annotations.

Quand tu l’auras faite, reviens la poster à la suite dans ce fil, je te dirai si c'est bon.

À l’avenir, ne te débarrasse pas de ton travail mais au contraire, applique-toi et n’oublie surtout pas de faire toutes les révisions qui s’imposent, faute de quoi tu auras du mal l’année prochaine au lycée.


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