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Les Questions Au Style Indirect


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Bonjour à tous, je souhaiterai qu'on me corrige un de mes exercice que je viens de faire c'est sur les question au style indirect. merci

- Consigne / Rapporte au style indirect chaque phrase de ce dialogue, en commençant par S/he asks, want to know, answer, says.

Getting ready for a party.

Clara: Alex, are you ready?

What are you doing?

Alex: What time is it?

Clara: Nearly 8.00.

Alex: I can to bring the CD i've just bought.

I can't find it!

Where is it?

Have you seen it?

Clara: It's next to you, on your desk!

We're late! it's time to go.

Mes réponse:

-Clara asks alex are he ready and if are he doing.

-Alex says if time is it.

-Clara answer nearly 8.00.

-Alex want to know he bring the CD he have just bought and he can't find it

Alex says if is it and have he seen it.

-Clara answer it's next to his, on their desk and they are late. It's time to go.

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De rien ^_^

J'avais un petit doute mais en suivant le lien que je t'ai passé, on dirait que oui ^^


"b- Exemple 2 (intermédiaire)

STYLE DIRECT: Peter to Sarah: 'Are you happy?'. Peter à Sarah: 'Es-tu heureuse ?'.

STYLE INDIRECT: Peter asked Sarah if she was happy.

- C'est une question => j'utilise ASK

- J'adapte le pronom en conséquence

- La phrase est au présent. Je vais un cran dans le passé. Je mets du prétérit. "


regarde le tableau page 1. Lorsque c'est du présent au style direct: ce sera du prétérit au style indirect.

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  • E-Bahut


Ma correction :

1- Clara asked Alex if he was ready and <if> what he was doing.

2- Alex <said> asked her <if> what time <was> it was.<(puisque c'est une interrogation indirecte, l'ordre des mots doit rester celui de l'affirmation)

3- Clara answered it was nearly 8.00.

4- Alex wanted to <knew he brought> bring the CD he had just bought <and> but he couldn't <found> find it.<(il faut toujours mettre un infinitif après un modal)

He asked Clara if she knew where it was, if she had seen it.<(attention de ne rien oublier !)

5- <Alex said if was it and had he saw it.> Clara answered / told him that it was next to him, on his desk. She added that they were late and it was time to go.


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  • E-Bahut

Et pourquoi pas une petite leçon pour clarifier les choses, si besoin est ? :D


Lorsque l’on rapporte indirectement les paroles de quelqu’un, il faut utiliser une forme appelée discours indirect. Il y a alors formation d’une proposition subordonnée.

Ex : " I enjoyed the film ", Paul said. > Paul said (that) he had enjoyed the film.

Le pronom relatif est souvent omis car il est complément.

Le passage du style direct au discours indirect impose certaines modifications de l’énoncé : pronoms, adjectifs, indications de temps et de lieu, concordance des temps.


I -->he / she ; Myself -->himself / herself ; My -->his / her

You -->I / we ; Yourself -->myself ; Yours -->mine / ours

We -->they ; Ourselves -->themselves ; Ours -->theirs

Ex : " We are repairing our car ourselves ", Paul and Mary said.

They said that they were repairing their car themselves.


This : that

These : those

Here : there

Today : that day

The day after tomorrow : two days later

Next Tuesday : the following Tuesday

Yesterday : the day before

The day before yesterday : two days before

Tomorrow : the next day

A year ago : a year before

Last week : the previous week


3.1) Il n’y a pas de changement de temps quand on rapporte tout de suite ce qui vient d’être dit (verbe d'introduction au présent).

Ex :

"What are they doing there ? "

"Sorry? "

"I don’t know what they are doing there."

3.2) Par contre, si le verbe qui rapporte les paroles est au passé, il y a les changements suivants à observer :

b ) présent > prétérit

Ex : John said : " I want to go ." > "John said that he wanted to go. "

c) futur ou conditionnel > conditionnel

Ex : John said : " I will go. " > "John said that he would go."

d) présent perfect ou prétérit > Pluperfect

Ex : John said : " I have seen this film before. " > "John said (that) he had seen that film before."

Ex : John said : " I wanted to go. " > "John said that he had wanted to go."


L’ordre des mots dans une interrogation au style indirect est celui d’une forme affirmative.

Ex : " Where did you buy these shoes ? " he asked his friend.

He asked his friend where he had bought those shoes.

" Do you like beer ? " he asked me.

He asked me if / whether I liked beer. (si se traduit par if ou whether).


Au discours indirect les ordres sont en général précédés par un verbe d’introduction :

to ask, to command, to order, to request, to say, to tell, to urge, to warn...etc.

Ex : " Go away. " > He told him to go away.

" Don’t park here. " The policeman asked me not to park here.

" Give me your passport, please. " the customs officer said to me.

The customs officer told me to give him my passport. (please disparaît au discours


@+ :D

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  • E-Bahut
Super, merci =) pour l'aide justement j'ai un autre exercice à faire du même type je le ferai<s> en m'aidant de vos indications et je viendrai<s> le poster. =) <(pas de S au futur :unsure: )
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  • E-Bahut
JRB, Désolée mais en copiant l'exo je m'aperçois que je n'arrive pas à comprendre tes couleurs se qui est bon de ce qui est faux. Merci
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Merci, j'ai reussi à l'écrire avec l'aide de ton code de couleurs. Mais y'a un truc que je ne comprend pas dans l'exo c'est que parfois des Mots en W. tel que What ect.. on ne les change pas pourquoi ?

ex. What he was doing.

Il est dit dans mon cours que les mot de se genre on les change en if

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  • E-Bahut
Merci, j'ai réussi à l'écrire avec l'aide de ton code de couleurs. Mais y'a un truc que je ne comprends pas dans l'exo c'est que parfois des Mots en W. tel que What ect.. on ne les change pas pourquoi ?

ex. What he was doing.

Il est dit dans mon cours que les mot de ce genre on les change en if

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Oui, merci compris ... =) ^_^

J'ai fais l'autre exo dont je t'ai parlé le voici.

Consigne / Rapporte chacune de ces phrases de ce dialogue au style indirect en utilisant les verbes introducteurs au prétérit (said, asked, answered)

Jane: I can meet your son at the airport.

What time is he arriving?

Nicole: I don't know exactly.

We have to check with the travel agency.

Jane: I'm not sure to recognize him.

Can you send me his photo

Nicole: That's a good idea.

Jane said she could meet your son at the airport and what time was his arriving.

Nicole answered she didn't know exactly and they had to check with the travel agency

Jane asked she wasn't sure to recognized him and could she sent her his photo.

Nicole answered that was a good idea.

Merci d'avance ! =)

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  • E-Bahut


Jane said she could meet <your> her son at the airport and asked what time he was <his> arriving.

Nicole answered she didn't know exactly and they had to check with the travel agency. OK

Jane <asked> said she wasn't sure to recognize him and asked her if she could <she sent> send her his photo.

Nicole answered that it was a good idea. OK

* Sois plus attentive aux changements des personnes, donc des pronoms.

Attention aussi au sens des verbes introducteurs : say = dire - affirmer / ask = demander / answer = répondre.

Ne les confonds pas.

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Jane said she could meet <your> her son at the airport and asked what time he was <his> arriving.

Nicole answered she didn't know exactly and they had to check with the travel agency. OK

Jane <asked> said she wasn't sure to recognize him and asked her if she could <she sent> send her his photo.

Nicole answered that it was a good idea. OK

* Sois plus attentive aux changements des personnes, donc des pronoms.

Attention aussi au sens des verbes introducteurs : say = dire - affirmer / ask = demander / answer = répondre.

Ne les confonds pas.

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