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  1. Salut tu peux parler de la guerre civile espagnole avec les vagues d'immigration et ensuite la dictature de Franco, un bon livre qui se lit plutot bien c'est Hommage à la Catalogne de George Orwell et ca fait toujours bien de caser en ouverture.
  2. Bonjour à tous dernière notion pour l'oral ^^ , j'espère que c'est un peu mieux que les précédentes The notion, I’m going to deal with is Places and forms of power. Thus, in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people’s behavior. In order to accept rules and regulations. To my mind, the theme that best illustrates the notion is Discrimination in India. That’s why this theme leads me to wonder: What sort of Discrimination can we find in India? I will study this question along two lines. First, I will talk about the caste system and then I will see the situation of girl in India. I: The caste system · Firstly, the caste system is a discrimination deep rooted in India. → The cast system is a kind of social class, in Hinduism, his creation dates back to the antiquity when the priest split society into four hereditary divisions which still persist nowadays. Among the caste system there are: Brahmans: priestly and learned class, Kshatriyas: warriors and rulers, Vaisas : Farmers and merchants, Sudras : peasants and laborers. There is also an outcaste called the Untouchables (Dalits) 25 % of the population who are forced to live outside the mainstream of the society in a predicament. · Secondly, the cast system is a factor of oppression. → Liz Stuart narrates in her article entitled The Shame of India, The Dalit’s situation. Indeed, although 250 million people are concerned by discrimination, some foreign countries think this situation is just a rumor. Certainly, discrimination against Dalits is currently illegal but they were used to suffering daily humiliation. The author draws our attention to Macwan, a Dalit who struggles to improve Dalit’s social condition, this law student set up cooperatives and resist to the higher castes. Those have attempted to extinguish Macwan’s action but he resisted and became a notorious figurehead of the Dalit’s fight. = So, it should be kept in mind that the caste system is a factor of discrimination, As pointed out Liz Stuart <<At school Macwan was made to stay behind after class and clean the classroom while the other children played >> ↔ Whereas we have noticed the discrimination of the Indian caste system now lets us come to see the discrimination of Indian girls. II : the discrimination of Indian girls. · Firstly, it’s a discrimination that begins before birth. → Another girl is an extract from a novel, written by Shilipi Somaya Godwa, entitled Secret Daughter; it deals with it the selective abortion, the author narrates the story of Kavita, a mother who wants to keep her daughter despite the intimidations of her husband. This one called Jasu conveys that he doesn’t want to keep the baby because is a girl and therefore a burden who can’t help the family in the fields. Then he declares they are poor and anyway they have not enough money for the dory. · Secondly, this discrimination doesn’t stop. → According to Florian Hanig and his report entitled Love forbidden in India; arranged marriage is common in India, there are often dowry deaths: women killed because their dory is often insufficient for a wedding. The director draws our attention to parental pressure, some father can kill their daughters if they don’t respect the cast system, and cases of harassments on girls are a daily matter. Some ONG like Love Commandos helps women and men who just want to love without constraint. = So there is no doubt that the girl situation in India is worrying, India is well known to be the most dangerous countries for women, with the infamous case : The 2012 Delhi gang rape, however hope is still allowed, As pointed out Indira Gandhi ‘’ Let's not forget that in India the symbol of strength is a woman; the goddess Shakti.’’ To sum it up and give an answer to the issue: What sort of Discrimination can we find in India? I might say that, there are on the one hand social discrimination with caste system and on the other hand sex discrimination. As far as I’m concerned, I think India is a country of contradictions which is progressive in the foreground but very conservative in the background.
  3. Salut, dans un sens tu n'a pas tord ... Je suis pas super bon en anglais du coup j'ai appris quelques expression bateau que j'essaye de placer pour enrichir un peu et je combine en paraphrasant un peu les docs donné en cours + quelques fioritures culturels que j'affectionne , après c'est ce qui est attendu il me semble : résumer les docs vu en classe et les organiser donc bon :/, par contre j'ai pas pomper ailleurs les phrases ou quoi que se soit pour la prochaine j'essayerais de faire plus simple et plus rigoureux surtout ^^
  4. Bonjour à tous, je vous partage mes fiches de philo, ça peut toujours servir je suis en train de faire les deux notions restantes, je trouve qu'elles sont assez synthétiques et ça permet une petite base :), bon courage à tous ! Le sujet.pdf La politique.pdf La culture.pdf
  5. NB Ce forum étant exclusivement consacré à l'anglais, il est inutile de le préciser dans le titre de tes sujets. Merci d'en tenir compte à l'avenir. Bonjour tout le monde, c'est encore moi, j'ai beaucoup hésité sur - les their (singulier ou pluriel ? ) et après la préposition To (verbe obligatoirement à l'infinitif ou on peut mettre ing ?) Merci d'avance, n'hésitez pas à corriger les nombreuses fautes The notion, I’m going to deal with is Myths and heroes. Thus, a myth is a popular belief a tradition or a false idea, a hero is a person admired for his or her action and who is a role model. To my mind, the theme that best illustrates the notion is the America dream. That’s why this theme leads me to wonder to what extent can people have fulfilled the American dream can be considered as heroes. I will study this question along two lines. First, I will talk about the bravery of these people and then I will see the good state of mind of these people. I) The bravery of these people · The people who have fulfilled the American dream must be considered as heroes due to their bravery. → Indeed, take Ana’s story. An article from the Newsweek, narrates the history of Ana, an illegal Mexican immigrant who arrived in the USA. To smuggle in New York city, Ana strives unflinchingly into the desert with almost nothing! Thanks to her extreme bravery, little by little she climbs up the social ladder and nowadays she has her own business. Ana epitomizes the figurehead of the American Dream. She is a genuine self-made woman. · If we look at the US's History, we could notice immigrants’ difficulties, → Emma Lazarus poem ‘the new colossus’ draws our attention of US’s immigrants’ condition, they are often poor and tired but they still hope. they dare and are not afraid to face danger despite they restart from scratch. The facts that US's border used to be free access with the quota’s laws in 1924, and that Ellis Island: the US's immigrant processing cent closed its door in 1954 make harder the immigrant task. = So, the US's immigrant could be considered as genuine heroes, they fight against poverty and starvation, they never give up despite the hurdles in their paths. As pointed out Franklin Roosevelt American citizens have therefore a duty of remembrance, he said: "Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants." ↔ Whereas we have noticed and talked about US's immigrant’s bravery, now let us come to see the good state of mind of the US's immigrants who have succeeded. II) the good state of mind of the US's immigrants who have succeed. · They have achieved their dreams, but they never forget where do they from → For instance, Barack Obama, a brilliant student, who has lived under the poverty line, who became the 44th president of the united states, champions his stance on the immigration politic, he states loud and clear in his speech entitled helping the dreamers, he wants more social justice, especially for the youngest students, that’s why he advocates the Dream Act. Thus, he maintains the myth of the American dream for the Asylum seeker. · They are often unselfish and charitable people; they share their glories with the poorest. → The prime example is the Bill gates donation, in an air time with the BBC, The CEO of Microsoft and also one the most affluent person deals with his association called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which focuses on tackling serious diseases, afterward he lays stress on the humanitarian crisis of Haiti, he advises a strong invest in the health and education, in order to get out this catch 22 situation. = So, these role models, contribute to preserve the American dream with their struggles for the liberty and the pursuit of happiness, It could be objected, that is very important because as pointed out Alexis de Tocqueville, in his essay entitled ‘Democracy in America’: ‘In democracies, each generation is a new people’ To sum it up and give an answer to the issue: To what extent can people have fulfilled the American dream can be considered as heroes? I might say that nowadays political leaders like Donald Trump call into question immigration politics, thereby immigration turns out to be a controversial issue and raise mixed feeling in too many countries, as far I’m concerned, I think we should be kept in mind that the cornerstones of our society are the universal hospitality, so I’m definitely convinced that people who have fulfilled the America dream are actual heroes thanks to their bravery but also their generosity.
  6. Merci faut que je trouve le temps de les lire
  7. Tout d'abord merci pour la correction Comment se construit un nom composé ? Pas vraiment d'idée ... (*) Quelle est donc la constante grammaticale de l'adjectif épithète en anglais ? Les adjectif épithète ne s'accorde jamais en anglais , j'ai du mal à me relire et à les repérer c'est comme pour les s au singulier ... A la prochaine
  8. Bonjour, je suis en train de bosser sur mon oral, il doit avoir pas mal de faute, si jamais vous en reperez je vous en serez reconaissant ^^, n'hésitez pas à me dire si c'est trop long ou pas assez ou si il y a du H.S, j'espère que cela peut servir, j'ai essayé de caser quand meme quelques tournures grammaticales, bon courage à tous ! The notion, I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress. Thus, progress is an evolution, a change towards a better world. To my mind, the theme that best illustrates the notion is the technical progress, that’s why this theme leads me to wonder if the technical progress can always be a good thing for our society. I will study this question along two lines. First, I will talk about technical progress advantages and then I will show the technical progress drawbacks. I) First of all, Technical progress has a lot of advantages, and it is worth noticing that nowadays there are more and more people who benefit · As it is the case of the progress of medicine, it makes our life easier, gives some hope. → For instance, the Casson’s case: a mother has helped her 24 year old son called Kyle in order to have a child, with the in vitro fertilization technical, she becomes a surrogate mother. However, this history turns out to be a controversial issue and has raised mixed feeling, Kyle asserts that he didn’t choose to be gay and being a dad was a high priority in his life. · Furthermore, technical progress can save people life → The prime example is the Whitaker’s case, Charlie Whitaker a 12-year-old teenager, who underwent a debilitating rare genetic condition was saved by his younger brother Jamie. This one was born by in vitro fertilization technical in the only goal to save his brother. Whereas Charlie was saved, this history has triggered fierce reactions. Jamie was surnamed the harvest baby. According to his mother, he is rather the Saviour siblings. = So, there is no doubt that the Technical Progress is one of the cornerstones of our society, according to Benjamin Franklin ‘Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.’ While recognizing technical progress has too many advantages, one must admit, nowadays it becomes also a bone of contention, from the Edward Snowden’s case to the Big data monopoly, a lot of people are dubious about the technical progress promises. II) Actually, technical progress has also a lot of drawbacks, we can notice, the problem of addiction. · Firstly, if smartphones and the Internet disappear, how many people will be able to live? → According to Jana Smith, a journalist and her article entitled a new member family each of us spent about 6 hours a week online, the web makes us even lonelier and more isolated than we already are, in addition, the author draws our attention to the fact that urbanization makes us an anonymous thing and the pendulum migration, has scattered our life. · Secondly, should we regulate technical progress, an account of its dangerousness? → An interviewer has asked people if cell phones should be banned in all public places. This question proves how thorny the subject is. A woman complains about the use on Australians trains. Another emphasizes that’s a matter of smart use and also education. Finally, a man thinks that this idea is completely mindless. = So, it should be kept in mind that, technical progress has some perverse effect, as pointed out, the notorious journalist and activist George Monbiot "Progress is measured by the speed at which we destroy the conditions that sustain life." To sum it up, I might say that, it’s a bit like the debate Voltaire against Rousseau. On the one hand, technical progress is an amazing thing, which makes the world better but on the other hand, we have to face excesses and moral question. The writer Marc Dugain on his essay ‘l’Home nu’, say that we must pay attention to the digital matrix in order to avoid the 1984 Orwell’s dystopia.
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