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Bonjour , 

j'ai rédigée un dialogue . Pouvez vous corriger si besoin merci. 

The scene takes when  Mikael knows about his wife's betrayal .

mikael got home violentely that morning around six- thirty and went in the room of her wife's .She was sleeping when her husband's returned suddenly .


Mikael ( screaming) : «  I'm going to kill you ! »

Mary  :« Don’t tell me what I must do ! Leave me alone ! 
Mikael  (warn) : « No need, you will die tonight, , I told you are not to tell Owen that I went tell her myself !


Owen got violently to his parents' room. His father was threatening when Owen screamed .


Mikael( scream) : «  you were supposed to reach me? »

Marry (crying) : « Save yourself Owen !»

Owen : «No mom , if you die , I'll died with you ! “

Mikael : “ I threaten your mother because she did not obey.”

Owen : More , you give orders now to mom? .Leave the house right away before I call the police!

Mikael: Owen, you'll take the torch , you would not need to go to school.
Owen : I will go to school and studied to become a doctor and I will not be like you!
Mikael : I know I had to tell you a long time ago

Owen : You betrayed your family! Because of you, we will be frowned upon by people.

Mikael : But no, on the contrary we will be saw as powerful people , do trust me owen .



she was taking the glass on the dresser and knocks on her husband's head.

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  • E-Bahut

Bonjour Winnie,

Il y a 6 heures, Winnie@ a dit :

Bonjour , 

J'ai rédigée un dialogue. Pouvez-vous corriger si besoin ? Merci. 

The scene takes place when Mikael knows about his wife's betrayal. < avoir lieu/se dérouler  = to take place

Mikael got home violently that morning around six-thirty and went into the room of her his wife's. < into car il y a passage d'un lieu dans un autre - En anglais l'adjectif possessif doit être accordé en genre et en nombre avec le possesseur : c'est sa femme à lui = his. Tu piges ? Révise ce point de grammaire et mémorise le une bonne fois pour toutes. She was sleeping when her husband's returned suddenly. < C'est quoi ces apostrophe s, une manie ?

Mikael ( screaming) : «  I'm going to kill you! »

Mary  :« Don’t tell me what I must do! Leave me alone! 
Mikael  (warning) : « No need, you will die tonight, I told you are not to tell Owen that I went tell her myself! < No comprendo! :wacko: Qu'as-tu voulu dire là ?

Owen got violently burst into his parents' room. His father was threatening when Owen screamed. < to burst into = faire irruption dans

Mikael( screaming) : «  you were supposed to reach me? »

Mary (crying) : « Save yourself Run away Owen!» < Toujours pas de dictionnaire ?

Owen : «No mom, if you die , I'll died die with you ! “< base verbale après l'auxiliaire

Mikael : “ I threaten your mother because she did not obey.”

Owen : More, you give orders now to mom? Leave the house right away before I call the police!

Mikael: Owen, you'll take the torch, you would not need to go to school.
Owen : I will go to school and
studied < bis ! > study to become a doctor and I will not be like you!
Mikael : I know I had to tell you a long time ago

Owen : You betrayed your family! Because of you, we will be frowned upon by people.

Mikael : But no, on the contrary we will be saw seen as powerful people, do trust me Owen.  < Les verbes irréguliers, tu comptes les mémoriser quand ? À la saint Glinglin ?

She was taking took the glass on the dresser and knocks knocked it on her husband's head. < le prétérit simple pour décrire des actions brèves dans le passé, surtout pas sa forme continue.


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  • E-Bahut
il y a une heure, Winnie@ a dit :

of his wife  < Je ne comprends pas il y'a une appartenance non ? comme au début pour mon intro his wife's

Bon, faudrait savoir de quoi on parle exactement !

Dans ton intro parfaitement correcte, "The scene takes place when Mikael knows about his wife's betrayal.", tu as deux formes de possession :

1 his, l'adjectif possessif masculin accordé avec Mikael, c'est sa femme à lui.

2 wife's betrayal, le cas possessif pour exprimer que c'est bien sa trahison à elle, sa femme.

En résumé, un cas possessif est obligatoirement suivi d'une chose possédée, ici c'est betrayal.

Maintenant, ne confonds pas davantage l'emploi d'un adjectif possessif seul, comme dans :

"Mikael got home violently that morning around six-thirty and went into the room of his wife."

Mais puisqu'il y a une chose possédée dans cette phrase, tu aurais aussi bien pu écrire : "...and went into his wife's room.", comme dans ton intro avec "...his wife's betrayal."

Dis-moi si tu as compris ou pas.

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