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Bonjour , je dois répondre aux questions de la compréhension écrite de ce texte.Merci de bien vouloir me corriger si possible. Excusez  - moi d'avance si j'ai des fautes de frappes , je jette un coup d'oeil au cas .

1) The text is an extract from a science fiction novel

2) The action takes in Australia. "she knew from the sun that there had been sightings down here in Australia" l.19

3) Jerry and his wife were : American tourists.

4) They are in search of their camera that have been taken by the Space Aliens. "he kept filming"l.11 " get off that"! l.25


1) Jerry goes out of the car to go to get back her  camera which was taken.

2) "Shut up !" he yelled so savagely that she stopped short for a moment . l.14   .Jerry does not follow his wife's advice.

3)"but  was their hair sort of stood up and "l.7, "each thick , black rope about a foot long moving around and bending down exactly  as if it were peering at him". l.9

4) " Jerry , she said , her voice sticking in her throat, as one of the Space Aliens pointed with is little weak - looking "l.23

  5) "she could see the hair better nown, and she could see that it did have eyes , and mouths too , with little red tongues darting  out " l.15 "" They're not natives, they're Space Aliens." l.18

6° b°

7) d) he asked a creature to dance : " Don't just stand there . Dancee-dancee "l.20

8) "The Space Alien opened its eyes.They had been kept closed till now " l31

9)" Jerry shoved the camera right up close to its head, and at that it put its hand over the lens.That made Jerry mad " l.24

10) Jerry carried a gun : A) : "He always carried a gun , because it was an Amercan's right to bear arms and there were so many drug addicts these days " l.29.

"He had smuggled it through the airport inspection the way he knew how . Nobody was going to disarm him". l.29 D)

11) "When he saw the alien's eyes, Jerry immediately grasped his gun "

False, "He just stood there, one hand on the camera and one reaching for his gun , motionless" l.34






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  • E-Bahut


Les fautes de frappe ne sont pas une fatalité, il suffit de se relire attentivement pour les corriger.

Ceci dit, je n'aurai pas assez de temps pour tout voir ce matin, j'ai quelques obligations familiales.

1) The text is an extract from a science fiction novel. OK

2) The action takes place in Australia. "she knew from the sun that there had been sightings down here in Australia" l.19 OK malgré tout =>> se dérouler/avoir lieu (action) = to take place

3) Jerry and his wife were American tourists. OK

4) They are in search of their camera that have been taken by the Space Aliens. "he kept filming"l.11 " get off that"! l.25 Jerry and his wife were looking for Australian natives. < Non, ils ne cherchaient pas leur caméra puisque Jerry les filme. En fait, ils étaient à la recherche d'une tribu d'aborigènes mais ils sont tombés sur une "tribu " vraiment bizarre et pour cause !


1) Jerry goes got out of the car to go to get back her  camera which was taken film the tribe. < Il faut toujours répondre en utilisant le même temps que celui de la question.

2) "Shut up !" he yelled so savagely that she stopped short for a moment . l.14   .Jerry does not follow his wife's advice. OK

3) What Jerry's wife found particularly frightening about the creatures was "but  was their hair sort of stood up and "l.7, "each thick , black rope about a foot long moving around and bending down exactly  as if it were peering at him". l.9 OK

4) Jerry's wife was terrified when " Jerry , she said , her voice sticking in her throat, as one of the Space Aliens pointed with is little weak - looking "l.23 OK

  5) "she could see the hair better nown, and she could see that it did have eyes and mouths too, with little red tongues darting  out " l.15 " Jerry's wife suddenly realized they were not Aborigines: " They're not natives, they're Space Aliens." l.18 < Quitte à te paraître scolaire, il faut toujours répondre en reprenant les éléments nécessaires de la question.

6) Jerry's wife had read in a newspaper that b. people had seen flying saucers. =>> She knew from The Sun that there had been sightings down here in Australia.


Suite et fin peut-être ce soir tard.


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  • E-Bahut

7) d) he asked a creature to dance : " Don't just stand there . Dancee-dancee "l.20 OK

8) "The Space Alien opened its eyes.They had been kept closed till now " l31

Question : Qu'a fait une des créatures pendant que Jerry filmait ? (2 citations)

"One of the Space Aliens pointed with its little weak-looking arm and hand at the car " L 22-23

"...and at that it put its hand over the lens" L 24

9)" Jerry shoved the camera right up close to its head, and at that it put its hand over the lens.That made Jerry mad, of course and he yelled, "Get off that!" l.24-25 < Généralement quand on est furieux, on gueule !

10) Jerry carried a gun : a) : "He always carried a gun , because it was an Amercan's right to bear arms and there were so many drug addicts these days " l.29. because Americans have the right to carry guns. < Parmi les 6 propositions de réponse, il faut reprendre celle qui correspond au texte. Fais preuve d'esprit logique.

"He had smuggled it through the airport inspection the way he knew how . Nobody was going to disarm him". l.29 D)

11) "When he saw the alien's eyes, Jerry immediately grasped his gun "

False, "He just stood there, one hand on the camera and one reaching for his gun, motionless" l.34 OK < En effet, il a été statufié.

Bonne continuation.

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  • E-Bahut
Le 16/09/2018 à 15:01, maelis a dit :

Rebonjour ,

merci pour la demi - correction , pas de problème pour la suite . C'est à  rendre pour mercredi .

C'est sans doute la raison pour laquelle tu ne t'es pas reconnectée depuis dimanche soir à 20h38 ! :rolleyes:

À moins que ce soit à rendre pour mercredi de la semaine prochaine ? :unsure:

J'aimerais comprendre.

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Bonjour ,

j'ai eu un problème de connexion du serveur ( E- bahut) depuis une semaine, veuillez m'excuser de la réponse tardive et merci pour la correction . La semaine dernière ( je ne sais plus quel jour ), j'ai voulu me connecter au premier coup il m'a ouvert et l'écran a afficher erreur de serveur, puis après rien de nouveau.Je ne sais toujours pas si ca concerne de mon côte du serveur de mon pc ou de la vôtre. Merci de bien vouloir m'aider si vous savez comment résoudre ce problème car je me plains , j'avais  une exercice que je voulais poster sur le forum depuis une semaine et j'espère cet fois -ci ca va marcher ..

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  • E-Bahut

Désolé pour toi mais de mon côté il n'y a eu aucune difficulté de connexion ces derniers jours.

Donc je pense que le problème se situe de ton côté, sans doute avec ton fournisseur d'accès internet.

Mais si ça se reproduisait, tu peux toujours contacter l'administrateur du site zola2 par la messagerie privée.

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