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Bonjour, j'ai un devoir à faire en anglais et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des erreurs parce qu'il y a certaines expressions dont je ne suis pas du tout sur, pourriez vous m'aidez s'il vous plait ?


Sujet: Nous avons lu un texte qui parlait d'une résistante arrêté par les allemands et placer dans un camp, c'était une professeur qui avait un élève, Jean Luc, qui était aussi résistant. Cependant Jean Luc ne sait pas ce qui est arrivé à sa professeur après la guerre.

En anglais, on doit imaginer ce qui est arrivé à la professeur de Jean Luc.

(On ne savait pas comment s'appelle la professeur donc je l'ai appelé Christine.)


One day, a women knocked on Jean Luc's door. That was in 1947. She was named Alice. Jean Luc didn't know who she was however Alice claimed to have something important to tell him. Jean Luc was stunned and invited her to go have a coffee. They sat down at the table and Alice began his account:

" I was actually hesitant about coming here today. I  know that what I'm gonna tell you is not easy to hear. When I was 27, I was arrested and disposed in a camp for many reasons that I am not going to develop. When I arrived in the camp, I was terrified and frightened. When suddenly, Christine, a woman, asked me if I was all right. She had a note-book and a pen in her hand. I told her that I was really scared and I asked her what was going to happen to me. And she said:" You're old enough to work with us so don't worry, if you did what they want, they won't hurt you." Christine was always brave. She never lost heart. She used to say that one day, we would go out from the camp and go back home. Then, in 1941, many deportees were placed on the camp and we started to be not fed. In spite of it, Christine stayed strong. But, one day, she got sick, she had typhus. A few days before her death, she revealed me all of her actions into the camp. She told me that she had accomplices which were camp's guards. She handed over messages to update the over resistants, to tell us the conditions of the camp and to transmit us her ideas to fight the nazis. She did a lot for me, and I wanted to do something for her. At first, she din't agree with it but I begged her and she finally accept my proposition. I decided to replace her and to rejoin the resistance. She gave me all instructions that I needed and I became a restistant. And in 1945, I was delivered. And today, I'm here because a few hours before her death,Christine asked me to give you this letter of her."


Jean Luc, with tears on his eyes, took the letter and began to read it. She was telling him how much she miss him, and she told him all her path and the actions she led from the camp. Jean Luc thanked Alice and read over and over the letter, relieved to know the truth.

Merci d'avance 



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Il y a 4 heures, lili33331 a dit :

Bonjour, j'ai un devoir à faire en anglais et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des erreurs parce qu'il y a certaines expressions dont je ne suis pas du tout sûre, pourriez vous m'aidezr < infinitif. Remplace le par un verbe du 2ème groupe en -ir et tu ne referas plus l'erreur s'il vous plait ?


Sujet: Nous avons lu un texte qui parlait d'une résistante arrêtée < le participe passé adjectif s'accorde en genre avec le nom qu'il qualifie par les allemands et placerée < participe passé encore ! dans un camp, c'était une professeur qui avait un élève, Jean Luc, qui était aussi résistant. Cependant Jean Luc ne sait pas ce qui est arrivé à sa professeur après la guerre.

En anglais, on doit imaginer ce qui est arrivé à la professeur de Jean Luc.

(On ne savait pas comment s'appelle la professeur donc je l'ai appelée Christine.) < Le participe passé conjugué avec avoir s'accorde avec le COD quand celui-ci est placé devant. C'est le cas ici : j'ai appelé qui ? elle/ l' = accord au féminin singulier.

Conseil : fais de sérieuses révisions dans le Bescherelle de la conjugaison, tu ne le regretteras pas.


One day, a woman < singulier avec a > pluriel avec e = women knocked on Jean Luc's door. That was in 1947. She was named / Her name was / Alice. Jean Luc didn't know who she was however Alice claimed to have something important to tell him. Jean Luc was stunned and invited her to go have a coffee. They sat down at the table and Alice began his her account: < Contrairement au français, l'adjectif possessif s'accorde avec le possesseur.  C'est une règle de base à maîtriser.

" I was actually hesitant about coming here today. I  know that what I'm gonna going to tell you is not easy to hear. When I was 27, I was arrested and disposed in a camp for many reasons that I am not going to develop. When I arrived in the camp, I was terrified and frightened. When suddenly, Christine, a woman, asked me if I was all right. She had a notebook and a pen in her hand. I told her that I was really scared and I asked her what was going to happen to me. And she said:" You're old enough to work with us so don't worry, if you did do what they want, they won't hurt you." Christine was always brave. She never lost heart. She used to say that one day, we would go/get out from the camp and go back home. Then, in 1941, many deportees were placed on the camp and we started to be not fed. In spite of it, Christine stayed strong. But, one day, she got sick, she had typhus. A few days before her death/she died/, she revealed to me all of her actions into the camp. She told me that she had accomplices which :angry: who were camp's guards. She handed over messages to update the over :rolleyes: < Je suppose > other resistants, to tell us on the conditions of the camp and to transmit us pass on her ideas to them  to fight the nazis. She did a lot for me, and I wanted to do something for her. At first, she din't agree with it but I begged her and she finally accepted my proposition. I decided to replace her and to rejoin the Resistance. She gave me all instructions that I needed and I became a resistant. And in 1945, I was delivered set free. And today, I'm here because a few hours before her death,Christine asked me to give you this letter of her."


Jean Luc, with tears in his eyes, took the letter and began to read it. She was telling him how much she missed him and she told him about all her path course and the actions she had led from the camp. Jean Luc thanked Alice and read over and over the letter, relieved to know the truth.

Merci d'avance 

Récit bien conduit mais ne perds jamais de vue qu'il doit se faire toujours au passé. Bonne continuation.




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