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Les médias/correction SVP


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First of all, the media is a way of expression and communication which allow each to inquire and to train the opinion. However, the various media can influence the opinion and the risks of manipulation exist, for example the "surgical strikes" of the Westerners during the Gulf War which aimed to be a cleanwar and without victims.For example, the invention of Internet allowed to abolish the borders of States and to broadcast the information without constraints.
However no control is made on this network and we find slanders, fake news , and opposite images in the human dignity there. The vigilance of the Internet users is here the only rampart against the disinformation. That is why I am for the implementation of poll on topical topics like politics and the economy that would allow a "media police" to control fraudulent articles.this police could put almonds to the authors of the article as well as to prosecute them if the article too much stirs up controversy

The invention of Internet allowed to abolish the borders of
States and to broadcast the information without constraints, it is thus rather a progress in the field of the freedom of expression.
For the most isolated people (rural area, disabled people), he(it) establishes(constitutes) a more egalitarian access to the big sources(springs) of the knowledge.
However no control is made on this network and we find slanders, false reports, and opposite images in the human dignity there. The vigilance and the training(formation) of the Internet users is here the only rampart against the disinformation.


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  • E-Bahut


À l'avenir, n'oublies plus de commencer par "Bonjour" ou "Bonsoir" , de surtout donner un titre explicite à ton sujet et d'en donner l'énoncé. "Demande de correction" ne renseignant en rien sur le contenu, je l'ai modifié.

First of all, the media < C'est le pluriel latin de medium > is are a way of expression and communication which allow each everyone to inquire and (to) train the opinion. However, the various media can influence the opinion and the risks of manipulation exist, for example the "surgical strikes" of the Westerners during the Gulf War which aimed to be a clean war and without victims. For example, the invention of the < Il n'y en a qu'un seul > Internet allowed surfers to abolish the borders of states and (to) broadcast the information without constraints.

However no control is made on this network and we find slanders, fake news < pas de virgule devant un mot charnière > and opposite images in the human dignity there. < ??? The vigilance of the Internet users is here the only rampart against the disinformation. That is why I am for the implementation of poll on topical topics like politics and the economy that would allow a "media police" to control fraudulent articles. This police could put almonds to fine the authors of the article as well as to prosecute them if the article stirs up controversy too much. < D'où l'importance de ne pas confondre "amende" et "amande". Si la seconde est délicieuse à croquer, la première se digère généralement mal ! :rolleyes:

The invention of the Internet allowed surfers to abolish the borders of states and to broadcast the information without constraints, < Déjà dit plus haut it is thus rather a progress in the field of the freedom of expression.
For the most isolated people (rural area, disabled people), he it establishes (constitutes) a more egalitarian access to the big sources (springs) of the knowledge. < Utilise le dictionnaire intelligemment !
However no control is made on this network and we find slanders, false reports, and opposite images in the human dignity there. The vigilance and the training(formation) of the Internet users is here the only rampart against the disinformation. < Rebelote !

J'ignore combien de copier-coller tu as bien pu faire de ton texte mais, une fois encore, une relecture attentive aurait dû t'alerter sur les redites.

Dans ta grammaire, revois sans plus tarder les règles d'emploi/omission du déterminant "the", c'est essentiel.


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