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Bac Notion Idées de Progrès


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Bonjour, je suis élève de Terminale S et j'aimerais avoir une correction de votre part pour mon travail effectué sur cette notion, n'hésitez pas à me donner des conseils sur celle-ci si vous voulez et me dire c'est bien ce que j'ai fais.. Merci d'avance et bon courage !

I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a developpement or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance wich contribute to making the world a better place. Indeed, since some years, the scientific and technological progress has not stopped evolving and today we don't really know if this progress are good for human being and we will be able to answer this question to treat this notion : Can progress work for the good of humanity ? In a first part, we are going to see that the progress is good for the humanity and in a second part that the progress can be dangerous for the humanity.


First, the progress is good for the humanity. Some new technologies are beneficial to humans as you can see in the document "Google glass" which is an oral compréhension. Indeed, these glasses are a shape of artificial intelligence which is in the service of the medicine for example and allow to assist the surgeon during an operation. For me, it's a revolution because this glasses allow a better quality of the operations and the bigger luck of success. There are other progress like Oscar Pistorius which is the first paraplegic athlete has to run with valid athletes as you can see in the document « The Blade Runner ». To run he possesses prostheses and to develop these prostheses, he was largely helped by the technology exploit of the engineers of the University of Pittsburg. For me,

this advance allow to give hope to all the people affect of handicap. Even if unfortunately today, technological breakthroughs do not benefit a lot of people because it is too much expensive. Video games are also beneficial because they allow children to learn and train while having fun. For me, video games can be important for a children who are struggling to progress at school and it's a real way to train to memorize..


Then, the progress can be dangerous for the human being. Indeed, as can see in the song of the group imagine dragons, they denounce the technical progress and their dangerousness. He wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world and he doesn't recognize the world. Today, in the world there are certain news technoligies who are dangerous for the man like nuclear power or certain chimicals. There were disasters and thousands of deaths because of it. Even if they sound very rare today because thanks to the new technologies, we can control and avoid certain disasters. Moreover

with the new tecnoligies, we can plan the crimes with cameras installed in cities but for me it is very dangerous because this system does not respect the private life. In addition, those who control this system have the full powers on us and they can make what they want with our informations. Indeed, this system will be a source of conflicts. And the people are not free because we are every day watched. It's like « Minority Report » of Steven Spielberg where three persons have the capacity to plan the crimes but in the movie, we see that it pulls several complications as the reliability.


To conclude, there are risks with all these new technologies which are dangerous for the Man but however today, we can say that the technical and scientific progress benefited for the man. For me, the progress in these domains allowed the man to improve his quality of life and to save a lot of life.

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Bonjour, je suis élève de Terminale S et j'aimerais avoir une correction de votre part pour mon travail effectué sur cette notion, n'hésitez pas à me donner des conseils sur celle-ci si vous voulez et me dire c'est bien ce que j'ai faist. < Cela donne faite au fémininMerci d'avance et bon courage !

I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contribute to making the world a better place. Indeed, since some years, the scientific and technological progress has not stopped evolving and today we don't really know if this progress <C'est un nom non dénombrable are is good for human beings and we will be able to answer this question to treat this notion: Can progress work for the good of humanity? In a first part, we are going to see that the progress is good for the humanity and in a second part that the progress can be dangerous for the humanity.<Pas de déterminant devant les noms employés dans la généralité.


First, the progress is good for the humanity. Some new technologies are beneficial to humans as you can see in the document "Google glass" which is an oral comprehension. Indeed, these glasses are a shape of artificial intelligence which is in the service of the medicine for example and allow to assist the surgeon during an operation. For To me, it's a revolution because this these glasses allow a better quality of the operations and the a bigger luck chance of success. There are other progress like Oscar Pistorius which :angry:who is the first paraplegic athlete has to run :angry:< Ça pue le traducteur, ça, attention ! running with valid athletes as you can see in the document « The Blade Runner ». To run he possesses prostheses and to develop these prostheses, he was largely helped by the technological exploit / achievement of the engineers of the University of Pittsburg. For To me, this advance allow to can give hope to all the people affected of by such handicap. Even if unfortunately today, technological breakthroughs do not benefit a lot of people because it is too much expensive. Video games are also beneficial because they allow children to learn and train while having fun. For :rolleyes: me, video games can be important for a children who are struggling to progress at school and it's a real way to train to memorize..


Then, the progress can be dangerous for the human being. Indeed, as can see in the song of the group imagine dragons, they denounce the technical progress and their its dangerousness. He wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world and he doesn't recognize the world. Today, in the world there are certain news technologies who :angry:which are dangerous for the to man like nuclear power or certain chemicals. There were disasters and thousands of deaths because of it. Even if they sound very rare today because thanks to the new technologies, we can control and avoid certain disasters. Moreover with the new tecnoligies, we can plan the crimes with cameras installed in cities but for me it is very dangerous because this system does not respect the private life privacy. In addition, those who control this system have the full powers on us and they can make what they want with our informations. Indeed, this system will be a source of conflicts. And the people are not free because we are every day watched. It's like « Minority Report » of by Steven Spielberg where three persons have the capacity to plan the crimes but in the movie, we see that it pulls several complications as the reliability.


To conclude, there are risks with all these new technologies which are dangerous for the to Man but however today, we can say that the technical and scientific progress benefited for the to man. For :rolleyes: me, the progress in these domains allowed the man to improve his quality of life and to save a lot of lives.

Outre les prépositions dans lesquelles tu t'emberlificotes les pinceaux, tu as une urgence absolue : les règles d'emploi/omission de " the ".


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