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The Idea Of Progress Oral


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I'm going to speak about the notion "The idea of progress". I will use 2 texts and 1 picture to illustrate that notion. My first document is an extract of Martin Luther King's famous speech "I have a dream", pronounced in 1963.My second document is a Poster from the "Unique faces of Britain" campaign, and finally my third document is "The Good Samaritans", an extract from Persons of the Year. But first of all, what's a progress ? A progress is an improvement, a change or a development which contributes to make the world a better place. It can be a scientific progress, a technological progress and a social progress. For my part, I will focus on the social progress with the idea of equalities. 
In the old America, black people or African Americans as Malcolm X said, were victims of slavery, racial discrimination, racial segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most of the white people. But fortunately that changes thanks to people like Martin Luther King. He was an activist in the United-States, for the black civil right, for peace and against poverty. One day in 1963, during the March on Washington D.C and in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". It's his most famous speech. He wished equality between black and white people, but also justice and freedom. He hoped that one day "little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers". His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans. Since this speech, we made a lot of progress in the society! For instance, concerning policy, Barack Obama is the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black. Moreover he has been elected twice ! Now we can say Martin Luther King's dream is not a dream anymore, it's a reality.
The Poster with the slogan "Britain. We all make it unique" from the "Unique faces of Britain" campaign of the Commission for Racial Equality is a Poster against racial discrimination, against racism. We can see thirty faces of men, women and children. These people celebrate the ethnic diversity in Britain. On the right of the Poster we can read "56 million people, over 300 languages and at least 14 faiths make us what we are today". This sentence show us Britain as a multicultural, multiracial and multi-faith nation. It's a perfect heterogeneous society.  Since 1931, when Great Britain officially recognized the independent and equal status of its former colonies, great progresses have been made to fight racism. Today, Britain is more tolerant than ever and it's a good thing !
"The Good Samaritans" is composed of extracts from "Persons of Year" an article in Time Magazine written by Nancy Gibbs and published in 2005. This article is about Melinda, Bill Gates and Bono, and their involvement in humanitarian aid. "The Good Samaritans" are these rich and famous people who help change the world. Melinda, Bill Gates and Bono have chosen to give back their wealth. They're fighting against poverty. In our world, we really need people like them because they can make a big impact. They are generous, they dedicate most of their lives to save others. Thanks to people like them, we have made a lot of progress and we're going to continue this, because there's always inequalities, natural disasters, poverty, wars... 
To conclude, every day we try to change the world, we try to fight inequalities. Every day we try to make our world a better place. Thanks to people like Martin Luther King and his fight against racial discrimination, or people like Bono and Bill Gates and their fights against poverty, things change. Every day we make a real social progress.


J'aimerai, si c'est possible, qu'on me corrige mon texte suivant sur le thème '' The idea of progress" pour l'oral. Merci beaucoup, c'est important

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Bonjour rapide relecture, avec très peu de remarques sur de vraies fautes.

  • "extract from" (dans le sens ici, sinon "extract of" en parlant plutôt d'extrait de fleur par exemple...)
  • "progress" est mieux, dans notre contexte, de manière non-comptée (désolé, ce n'est pas le bon terme, mais à cette heure tardive, mon cerveau réclame un peu de sommeil aussi...). On ne parle pas d'un progrès (comme on en ferait en cours, par exemple, et encore on dit "to make progress" pour "faire des progrès"...), mais du progrès.
  • dans ce texte, "Black" et "White" doivent prendre une majuscule (au même titre qu'une nationalité) -> je n'ai pas corrigé partout, sauf au début...
  • attention, la citation commence à "one day little [...]"
  • "a lot of progress" n'est pas faux, mais je lui préfère sa forme en "much progress" qui traduit encore une fois plus, à mon sens, le progrès en général. [mais on peut tout à fait garder le "a lot of progress" ici !]
  • même si à l'oral ça ne se voit pas (comme les majuscules en fait), il faut noter que l'emploi de la virgule est beaucoup plus mesuré et modéré en anglais. "Today I" -> "Aujourd'hui, je (...)"
  • "we" veut dire "nous", pas "on" ! Il faut transformer en passif pour reproduire un "on".
  • la conclusion pourrait être plus marquante. Le "we" qui inclurait toutes les personnes de la salle de l'oral n'est peut-être pas approprié...

Pour information, ce qui est en gras et souligné sont des vraies fautes, ce qui est juste souligné est plus de l'ordre de la reformulation. Et en vert, des remarques sur le texte.

Pour information aussi, le fond n'a pas été particulièrement regardé, si ce n'est sur la conclusion que je trouve un peu trop ouverte.

I'm going to speak about the notion "The idea of progress". I will use 2 texts and 1 picture to illustrate that notion. My first document is an extract of from Martin Luther King's famous speech "I have a dream", pronounced in 1963.My second document is a Poster from the "Unique faces of Britain" campaign and finally my third document is "The Good Samaritans", an extract from Persons of the Year. But first of all, what is a progress ? (phrase plus forte si on ne contracte pas le "what's") A Progress (même si "progress" peut être compté, ici, on le prendra plus volontiers en "non-comptable" pour son sens plus général et non pas particulier surtout au vu de la fin de la phrase) is an improvement, a change or a development which contributes to make the world a better place. It can be a scientific progress, a technological progress and or a social progress. (ici aussi j'aurais tendance à ne pas mettre les "a" ou mieux à mon avis "Progress may be scientific, technological, or social" ) For my part, I will focus on the social progress with the idea of equalities.

In the old America, Black people or African Americans as Malcolm X said, were victims of slavery, racial discrimination, racial segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most of the White people. But fortunately that changes thanks to people like Martin Luther King. He was an activist in the United-States, for the black civil right, for peace and against poverty. One day in 1963, during the March on Washington D.C and in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". It's his most famous speech. He wished equality between black and white people, but also justice and freedom. He hoped that "one day "little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers". His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans. Since this speech, we have made a lot of progress in the society! (pareil la société au sens général, et non pas la société de quelque chose. Et en mieux : "A lot of progress has been made in society") For instance, concerning policy, Barack Obama is the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black. Moreover he has been elected twice ! Now we can say Martin Luther King's dream is not a dream anymore, it's a reality.

The Poster with the slogan "Britain. We all make it unique" from the "Unique faces of Britain" campaign of the Commission for Racial Equality is a Poster against racial discrimination, against racism. We can see thirty faces of men, women and children. These people celebrate the ethnic diversity in Britain. On the right of the Poster we can read "56 million people, over 300 languages and at least 14 faiths make us what we are today". This sentence shows us Britain as a multicultural, multiracial and multi-faith nation. It's a perfect (veut-on vraiment employer "perfect" ici ? ça donne un point de vue) heterogeneous society. Since 1931, when Great Britain officially recognized the independent and equal status of its former colonies, great progresses has been made to fight racism. Today, Britain is more tolerant than ever and it's a good thing ! (on sent ici le côté français : on ne se mouille pas, alors on dit que c'est une bonne chose. En anglais (peut-être plus américain, je l'accorde), on aurait plus tendance à dire simplement, qu'on en est content : "and I'm happy with it!")

"The Good Samaritans" is composed of extracts from "Persons of Year" an article in Time Magazine written by Nancy Gibbs and published in 2005. This article is about Melinda, Bill Gates and Bono, and their involvement in humanitarian aid. "The Good Samaritans" are these rich and famous people who help change the world. Melinda, Bill Gates and Bono have chosen to give back their wealth. They're fighting against poverty. In our world, we really need people like them because they can make a big impact. They are generous, they dedicate most of their lives to save others. Thanks to people like them, we have made a lot of progress and we're going to continue this, because there's are always inequalities, natural disasters, poverty, wars... (la forme en there is/are est plutôt utilisée pour montrer quelque chose. Ici, on pourra lui préférer : "[...] because inequalities [...] wars always remain.")

To conclude, Every day we try to change the world, we try to fight inequalities. (dans un oral en anglais, on sent que l'on arrive à la conclusion simplement par le ton de la voix et le ton de la conclusion : on doit savoir que c'en est une ! La proposition française "pour conclure" fait encore plus artificiel en anglais qu'en français, mais il peut être conservé.) Every day we try to make our world a better place. Thanks to people like Martin Luther King and his fight against racial discrimination, or people like Bono and Bill Gates and their fights against poverty, things change. Every day we make a real social progress!

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Merci beaucoup pour cette correction plus que parfaite ! Les explications m'ont bien aidé, je pense avoir compris l'ensemble de mes fautes ici et j'espère ne plus les commettre.

Cette correction me rassure aussi, moi qui suis si stressée par les oraux. Merci encore !

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Content d'avoir pu aider et merci de la réponse !

J'espère avoir le temps de lire le reste dans les jours qui viennent, mais je ne suis pas encore sûr d'avoir le temps nécessaire.

L'examen est quand ?

Et effectivement, niveau anglais, c'est bien plus qu'honorable en terminale à mon avis ! Pas d'inquiétude ! Reste maintenant à s'efforcer de prononcer suffisamment correctement, en n'oubliant ni les accentuations dans les phrases, ni les règles de base (mais qui peuvent être difficiles quand elles s'enchaînent...), et essayer de ne pas garder le mauvais accent français, malheureusement tant arboré par la plupart des français, qui peut, certes, paraître parfois mignon dans les pays anglophones, mais qui n'est ni productif dans le travail (c'est bien moins compréhensible), ni signe de sérieux (on ne fait pas d'effort), ni signe de volonté de comprendre les autres (on reste attaché à ses racines linguistiques sans essayer de s'approprier d'autres cultures...). Pour ce faire, je ne peux que conseiller d'écouter de l'anglais, puis de lire à voix haute.

Après, on peut toujours progresser (moi le premier, et j'espère pouvoir toujours continuer à progresser !).

Bon courage !


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Mon examen d'anglais (oral) est le 25 juin il me semble.

C'est sur que se prononcer dans une autre langue que notre langue maternelle est toujours difficile. Notre accent français s'accroche, personnellement j'ai du mal à m'en débarrasser, que ce soit en anglais ou en espagnol.

Pourtant j'essaye au maximum de regarder des séries en VO, d'écouter des musiques en anglais, de lire de l'anglais, de m'entrainer à répéter des phrases etc... De plus, j'admire la culture américaine et anglaise, et j'adore leur façon de s'exprimer !

En tout cas merci encore pour ces messages et ton aide, ça fait plaisir :)

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