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Eloïse_69's Achievements

  1. Parfait, me voilà rassurée. Bonne journée !
  2. Encore merci pour la rapidité de votre réponse ! Du coup une dernière petite question : comment traduiriez vous le mot "individu" en anglais ? Nous l'utilisons beaucoup en français en psycho, individu comme faisant partie d'un groupe. En cherchant dans des dictionnaires de synonymes en anglais, il apparait que "individuals" fonctionnerait selon la définition que j'en comprends mais je voudrais avoir votre avis ! Merci encore ! Eloïse NB Pour ajouter une réponse, merci d'utiliser prioritairement le bouton " Répondre à ce sujet " plus bas sur la page. Comme son nom l'indique, le bouton " Citer " répète le contenu du message et n'est donc à utiliser qu'en cas de nécessité. Merci.
  3. Bonjour, c'est encore moi ! Toujours sur le sujet des addictions, je devais également faire le résumé d'un article académique. Je viens de le terminer à l'instant. Auriez vous la gentillesse de me dire si mon résumé est bien compréhensible (et si l'anglais est correct également, bien entendu 🙂 J'ai notamment un gros doute sur la traduction du mot "individu" que l'on utilise beaucoup en psycho... Un grand merci par avance Eloïse Psychosocial integration (being part of a community, having a professional network) is primordial for individuals. Dislocation refers to insufficient psychosocial integration. It can result from abuse in childhood or a disability, for example, which prevents the person from working. Dislocated people struggle to regain psychosocial integration and may adopt deviant lifestyles. It is better to be a drug addict or drug dealer than not to belong to any group. Bourgois in 1997 showed the importance of the crack economy among young Hispanic Americans. "Economically and socially dislocated in the ghetto, young men struggle to survive and find meaning in their lives. Dislocation can affect entire communities. Free market societies that aim "to create and maintain a free labour market" lead to precariousness, controlled only by the laws of supply and demand, without interference from family, community or religious ties. As a result, communities are fragmented, and relations between men are weakened. Addiction is not just a medical or criminal problem, it is also political. Addiction treatment professionals know that many drug addicts continue to take drugs even with substitution treatment. Because the problem is elsewhere. It is important to have a sense of belonging in the community. It is not just about fighting inequality and poverty, because there are drug addicts among the rich as well. You have to fight against poverty of spirit and poverty of connections. All the money spent on the war on drugs could be better used: for example, more social workers to investigate child abuse, which would prevent the dislocation of these children through closer family ties and more social support. To quote Cohen, "the key to controlling addiction is maintaining a society in which psychosocial integration is attainable by the great majority of people".
  4. Oh merci beaucoup pour cette réponse rapide et ces conseils précieux !
  5. Bonjour 🙂 Je suis actuellement en Master de Psychologie. En fait je suis en reprise d'études et je n'ai pas pratiqué l'anglais depuis bien longtemps... Bref, dans notre TD d'anglais, nous devons résumer un Ted Talk. J'ai choisi un Ted sur l'addiction. Est ce que l'un d'entre vous aurait la gentillesse de me dire si mon résumé ci dessous est correct ? Je vous remercie beaucoup !! Why do we become dependent ? Addiction doesn’t only come from the drug itself and what it contains. For example, during the Vietnam War, 20 per cent of American soldiers took heroin. But, at the end of the war, 95 per cent of them stopped. Without going to rehab. So, why do some people have addiction problems ? Professor Peter Cohen talks of the human’s important need of bond. Human beings need to be connected to each other to be happy and in good health. But, if they are isolated, or traumatized by events in their lives, disconnected to other people, they will fill this need of bond by taking drugs. Because it will relieve them. They will bond with something. Currently, to treat the addicts, society punishes them and isolates them in jail. To cure addiction, people must not only be abstinent. The individual healing also involves social recovery.
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