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Spaces and Exchanges/aide


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Pouvez-vous me corriger ma notion d'anglais sur "Spaces and exchanges" s'il-vous-plaît? Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

Intro : I’m going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of an exchange. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders, cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education, movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, gap years… Here I want to talk about globalisation which refers to a process through which the exchange of goods and services, capital, people and cultures develops on a global scale and creates increasingly stronger interactions between different parts of the world. So we can wonder what impact globalization has on international exchanges. First, we are going to discuss a cartoon “Problems of Globalization” by H. Wuerker then we will study another cartoon “bet you didn’t dream it” and finally we will talk about Gap Year.

The first document I have chosen is a political cartoon which illustrates what the artist calls the "Problems of Globalization," as it depicts a family on vacation who has returned home from an international vacation which involved little international interaction. We can see parents with their son. The father say : “we got these cool hats at niketown” his wife continue : “and this great shirt at the disney store in london” and the son finish : “After a great dinner at mcdonalds in rome, we found these neat shorts at the gap”. Instead, everything from their souvenirs to the food they ate came from large, international corporations rather than from locales they actually visit.

In the second comic there are two separate rooms; for the children of the "99%" percent and for the "1%." There is always an African American figure with the letters "MLK" on his sleeve which must mean he represents the late Martin Luther King Jr. The caption reads, "BET YOU DIDN'T DREAM THIS." The message that this comic is trying to convey is, MLK invisioned a world where children of every ethnicity would be joined together, not be their social status. I think it also stressed the difference between North and South, between poverty and riches.

A gap year is a year before going to college or university and after finishing high school or taking a year off before going into graduate school after completing a bachelor as an undergraduate. It is also known as a sabbatical year. During this time students may engage in advanced academic courses, extra-academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college math courses, language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more. Gap years are sometimes urged as a way for students to become independent and learn a great deal of responsibility prior to engaging in university life. So it’s an exchange between students in many countries.

To conclude we can say that globalization have positives and negatives impacts. In fact, the globalization implies an access, for companies and consumers, to products from different countries, and the knowledge of those. Also, with the globalization, information can be exchanges faster. And, people are more open and tolerant to each other, and are being able to live in different parts of the world. But, the acknowledged benefits that accrue to some segments of our society must be weighed against the inequalities that globalization creates in others. In fact, rich begin richest, but non-rich became poorer, and live in poor conditions.

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  • E-Bahut


Intro : I’m going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of an exchange. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders, cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education, movement of people – immigration, student exchanges, gap years… Here I want to talk about globalisation which refers to a process through which the exchange of goods and services, capital, people and cultures develops on a global scale and creates increasingly stronger interactions between different parts of the world. So we can wonder what impact globalization has on international exchanges. First, we are going to discuss a cartoon “Problems of Globalization” by H. Wuerker then we will study another cartoon “bet you didn’t dream it” and finally we will talk about Gap Year.

The first document I have chosen is a political cartoon which illustrates what the artist calls the "Problems of Globalization," as it depicts a family on vacation who has returned home from an international vacation which involved little international interaction. We can see parents with their son. The father says : “we got these cool hats at Niketown” his wife continues : “and this great shirt at the Disney store in London” and the son finishes : “After a great dinner at McDonalds in Rome, we found these neat shorts at the Gap”. Instead, everything from their souvenirs to the food they ate came from large, international corporations rather than from locales they actually visited. << -s final au présent simple d'un verbe dont le sujet est au singulier - Attention, l'absence de sifflante se remarque à l'oral. // Par contre et même si ça ne se remarque pas à l'oral, les noms propres prennent tous une MAJUSCULE. Que je sache, l'appui sur la touche dédiée de ton clavier toutes les fois que nécessaire ne va pas épuiser ta force physique !

In the second comic there are two separate rooms; for the children of the "99%" percent and for the "1%." There is always an African American figure with the letters "MLK" on his sleeve which must mean he represents the late Martin Luther King Jr. The caption reads, "BET YOU DIDN'T DREAM THIS." The message that this comic is trying to convey is MLK invisioned a world where children of every ethnicity would be joined together, not be their social status. I think it also stressed the difference between North and South, between poverty and riches.

A gap year is a year before going to college << C'est la même chose >> or university and after finishing high school or taking a year off before going into graduate school after completing a bachelor as an undergraduate. It is also known as a sabbatical year. During this time students may engage in advanced academic courses, extra-academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college maths courses, language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more. Gap years are sometimes urged as a way for students to become independent and learn a great deal of responsibility prior to engaging in university life. So it’s an exchange between students in many countries.

To conclude we can say that globalization have < sujet au singulier >> has  positives and negatives impacts.<< Adjectifs = INVARIABLES ! 
:angry: In fact, the :angry: globalization implies an access for companies and consumers to products from different countries and the knowledge of those. Also, with the :angry: globalization, information can be exchanged faster. And, people are more open and tolerant to each other and are being able to live in different parts of the world. But, the acknowledged benefits that accrue to some segments of our society must be weighed against the inequalities that globalization creates in others. In fact, rich begin richest,<<???  but non-rich became <<??? poorer, and live in poor conditions.

NB Il est grand temps que tu prennes l'habitude de te relire afin d'éliminer toi-même certaines monstruosités vraiment inadmissibles. S'il en était besoin, je te rappelle que le jour J à l'heure H, personne ne le fera à ta place. Pour être tout à fait clair, je trouve bizarre cette distorsion entre la richesse de la langue que tu manies fort bien et ces quelques fautes de grammaire sur des points élémentaires.

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  • E-Bahut
Il y a 1 heure, Ines... a dit :

Merci! :D C'est des erreurs d'inattention ... :unsure:

Inattention, dis-tu ? Je vais faire l'effort de te croire sur parole. :rolleyes:

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