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bonjour est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider a faire et comprendre ce devoir car j'ai beaucoup de mal avec l'anglais et j'ai des questions a repondre

merci d'avance de votre aide

voici le texte

Oslo, Norway February 12, 1994 6.29 a.m.

In the predawn gloom of a Norwegian winter morning, two men in a stolen car pulled to a halt in front of the National Gallery, Norway’s preeminent art museum. They left the engine running and raced across the snow. Behind the bushes along the museum’s front wall they found the ladder they had stashed away earlier that night.
Silently, they leaned the ladder against the wall.
A guard inside the museum, his rounds finished, basked in the warmth of the basement security room. He had paperwork to take care of, which was a bore, but at least he was done patrolling the museum, inside and out, on a night when the temperature had fallen to fifteen degrees. He had taken the job only seven weeks before.
The guard took up his stack of memos grudgingly, like a student turning to his homework. In front of his desk stood a bank of eighteen closed circuit television monitors. One screen suddenly flickered with life. The black-and-white picture was shadowy—the sun would not rise for another ninety minutes—but the essentials were clear enough. A man bundled in a parka stood at the foot of a ladder, holding it steady in his gloved hands. His companion had already begun to climb. The guard struggled through his paperwork, oblivious to the television monitors. The top of the ladder rested on a sill just beneath a tall window on the second floor of the museum.
Behind that window was an exhibit celebrating the work of Norway’s greatest artist, Edvard Munch. Fifty-six of Munch’s paintings lined the walls. Fifty-five of them would be unfamiliar to anyone but an art student. One was known around the world, an icon as instantly recognizable as the Mona Lisa or van Gogh’s Starry Night. In poster form, it hung in countless dorm rooms and office cubicles; it featured endlessly in cartoons and on T-shirts and greeting cards. This was The Scream. The man on the ladder made it to within a rung or two of the top, lost his balance, and crashed to the ground. He staggered to his feet and stumbled back toward the ladder. The guard sat in his basement bunker unaware of the commotion outside. This time the intruder made it up the ladder. He smashed the window with a hammer, knocked a few stubborn shards of glass out of the way, and climbed into the museum. An alarm sounded. In his bunker, the guard cursed the false alarm. He walked past the array of television screens without noticing the lone monitor that showed the thieves, stepped over to the control panel, and set the alarm back to zero. The thief turned to The Scream—it hung only a yard from the window— and snipped the wire that held it to the wall. The Scream, at roughly two feet by three feet, was big and bulky. With an ornate frame and sheets of protective glass both front and back, it was heavy, too—a difficult load to carry out a window and down a slippery metal ladder. The thief leaned out the window as far as he could and placed the painting on the ladder. “Catch!” he whispered, and then, like a parent sending his toddler down a steep hill on a sled, he let go. His companion on the ground, straining upward, caught the sliding painting. The two men ran to their car, tucked their precious cargo into the back seat, and roared off.
Elapsed time inside the museum: fifty seconds. In less than a minute the thieves had gained possession of a painting valued at $72 million. It had been absurdly easy. “Organized crime, Norwegian style,” a Scotland Yard detective would later marvel. “Two men and a ladder!”

The Rescue Artist: A True Story of Art, Thieves, and the Hunt for a Missing Masterpiece, Edward Dolnick, 2005.


et voici les questions a réaliser

1) Give the right answer. This text is an extract from?

a) a novel             b) a paly               c) article             d) a review

2)Where does story take place? Give the right answer. Justify with a quotation from the text:

a) in england                 b)in scandinavia                 c) in the states

3)Identify the characters and the real people. Indicate their profession where possible;

Mains characters:

Characters mentionned:

Real people mentioned:


4)Indicate the time at the beginning and at the end of the scene?


5)which element in the title best corresponds to the scene described in this extract?

- the Rescue Artist

-A true Story of Art


-The Hunt for a Missing Masterpiece?


6)Pick out the details concerning the work of art which plays a central role in this scene:


7)Match the words on the left with those on the right.
Link a suitable element in each column: (1,5 pt)
The guard works in                                 the basement
The two men climb to                             the first floor
The Scream is on                                    the second floor

8)Put the principal actions in the correct order: 

a) The man pushed the painting down the ladder.
b) One of the men climbed the ladder.
c) The guard patrolled the museum.
d) The man broke the window.
e) The guard turned off the alarm.
f) The man detached the painting.
g) The two men escaped in their car.
h) The guard started his paperwork.
i) The two men placed the ladder against the wall.

9)True or false? Justify your answers by quoting the text. 

a) The two men’s action was premeditated.
b) The guard really likes doing paperwork.
c) The guard has considerable professional experience.
d) The men act in daylight.
e) All of Munch’s work is well known

10)How many warnings of an intrusion does the guard ignore? Justify your answer with quotes from the text. 

11) Pick out two phrases in the text that show how respectful the two men are of their ‘prize’.


merci d'avances

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  • E-Bahut


Même si tu avoues avoir " beaucoup de mal avec l'anglais ", il n'y a rien dans ce texte ni dans les questions qui exige un niveau exceptionnel de compréhension. Autrement dit, ne te fais pas plus mauvais que tu n'es. En fait, sans vouloir t'offenser, je pense que tu es atteint d'une grosse crise de fainéantise et que tu ne veux peut-être pas perdre le moindre temps "précieux" de tes vacances. De toute façon, ici c'est donnant donnant : tu n'obtiendras de l'aide que si tu fais preuve de bonne volonté en postant le résultat de ton travail personnel.

Pour te mettre le pied à l'étrier cependant, je te dirai qu'il s'agit de la description d'un vol dans un musée d'Oslo. Pour réussir ton travail, fais la navette entre les questions et le texte, le texte et les questions autant de fois que nécessaire jusqu'à ce que le déclic salvateur se produise. Il n'y a rien de véritablement difficile, tu sauras le faire.

Bon travail et au plaisir de te lire.

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j'ai commencer a faire un peu mais j'ai honte car ca risque d'etre tout faux merci de bien vouloir m'aider


1) Give the right answer. This text is an extract from: (0,5 pt)
a. a novel This text is an extract from “The Rescue Artist” came out in 2005 and was written by Edward Dolnik.

2) Where does the story take place? Give the right answer. Justify with a quotation from the text. (1 pt)

b. In Scandinavia, 
“Oslo, Norway February 12, 1994 6.29 a.m.”
“Norwegian winter morning”
“Norway’s preeminent art museum.”
“celebrating the work of Norway’s greatest artist,”
“Organized crime, Norwegian style,”

3)Identify the characters and the real people. Indicate their profession where possible. (6 pts)

Main characters:
Two thieves (“two men in a stolen car”)

Characters mentioned:
Two thieves (“two men in a stolen car”)
A guard inside the museum

Real people mentioned: 
Edvard Munch
Van Gogh
(Edward Dolnick, the narrator)

4) Indicate the time at the beginning and at the end of the scene. (2 pts)

On February 12 from the predawn gloom of a Norwegian winter morning to 6.29 a.m. (fifty seconds of which in the museum)

5) Which element in the title best corresponds to the scene described in this extract: (0,5 pt)



apres les autres questions j'ai beaucoup de mal


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C'est vrai que copier/coller les réponses données sur un autre site, c'est compliqué:

A vrai dire, c'est pour ça que tu devrais avoir honte, pas pour risquer d'avoir faux ;)

Maintenant, essaye de travailler peut-être, si tant est que tu aies une vague notion de ce que ce verbe signifie.

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  • E-Bahut

6)Pick out the details concerning the work of art which plays a central role in this scene:

Relève les détails sur l'oeuvre d'art qui joue un rôle central dans cette scène. Il suffit que tu relises le texte pour retrouver les 4 détails mentionnés ci-dessous.


7)Match the words on the left with those on the right.

Tu dois appairer les mots de la colonne gauche avec ceux de la droite de façon à rétablir les 3 phrases correctes. C'est si facile que je te donne les réponses.

Link a suitable element in each column: (1,5 pt)
The guard works in                                 the basement OK
The two men climb to                              the second floor
The Scream is on                                    the second floor

8)Put the principal actions in the correct order: 

Il faut mettre les actions principales dans le bon ordre, la chronologie dans laquelle elles se sont déroulées. Je te donne les 4 premières en les numérotant, ce qui va te faciliter la tâche.

a) The man pushed the painting down the ladder.
b) 4/ One of the men climbed the ladder.
c) 2/ The guard patrolled the museum.
d) The man broke the window.
e) The guard turned off the alarm.
f) The man detached the painting.
g) The two men escaped in their car.
h) 3/ The guard started his paperwork.
i) 1/ The two men placed the ladder against the wall.

9)True or false? Justify your answers by quoting the text. Vrai ou faux ? Justifie tes 5 réponses en citant le texte. Relis le texte encore, c'est facile. Si tu rencontres des mots inconnus, aide-toi du dictionnaire.

a) The two men’s action was premeditated.
b) The guard really likes doing paperwork.
c) The guard has considerable professional experience.
d) The men act in daylight.
e) All of Munch’s work is well known

10) How many warnings of an intrusion does the guard ignore? Justify your answer with quotes from the text. 

Combien d'alarmes intrusion le gardien ignore-t-il ? Justifie ta réponse en citant le texte. Il y en a 2, retrouve les.

11) Pick out two phrases in the text that show how respectful the two men are of their ‘prize’. Relève 2 phrases du texte qui démontrent que les 2 hommes sont respectueux de leur "prise". C'est vers la fin de l'avant-dernier paragraphe.

À te lire.

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Il y a 3 heures, JRB a dit :

d'accord merci beaucoup mais est ce que mes première reponses de 1 a 5 sont juste

et voici ce que j'ai essayer de faire pouriez vous me corriger merci vraiment de votre aide

6)Pick out the details concerning the work of art which plays a central role in this scene:

Name:The Scream
Artist: Edvard Munch
Dimensions:at roughly two feet by three feet, was big and bulky
Price:$72 million

7)Match the words on the left with those on the right.

Tu dois appairer les mots de la colonne gauche avec ceux de la droite de façon à rétablir les 3 phrases correctes. C'est si facile que je te donne les réponses.

Link a suitable element in each column: (1,5 pt)
The guard works in                                 the basement OK
The two men climb to                              the second floor
The Scream is on                                    the second floor

8)Put the principal actions in the correct order: 

a)7/ The man pushed the painting down the ladder.
b) 4/ One of the men climbed the ladder.
c) 2/ The guard patrolled the museum.
d) 5/The man broke the window.
e)6/ The guard turned off the alarm.
f) 8/The man detached the painting.
g)9/ The two men escaped in their car.
h) 3/ The guard started his paperwork.
i) 1/ The two men placed the ladder against the wall.

9)True or false? Justify
a) vrai Behind the bushes along the museum’s front wall they found the ladder they had stashed away earlier that night.
Silently, they leaned the ladder against the wall. 

b)   faux He had paperwork to take care of, which was a bore.The guard took up his stack of memos grudgingly, like a student turning to his homework
c) faux He had taken the job only seven weeks before.
d) faux the sun would not rise for another ninety minutes—but the essentials were clear enough
e) faux Fifty-five of them would be unfamiliar to anyone but an art student. One was known around the world, an icon as instantly recognizable as the Mona Lisa or van Gogh’s Starry Night.

10) How many warnings of an intrusion does the guard ignore? Justify your answer with quotes from the text. 

An alarm sounded In his bunker, the guard cursed the false alarm.He walked past the array of television screens without noticing the lone monitor that showed the thieves, stepped over to the control panel, and set the alarm back to zero

11) Pick out two phrases in the text that show how respectful the two men are of their ‘prize’. 

j'arrive pas

merci de me corriger et de votre aide


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  • E-Bahut

d'accord merci beaucoup mais est ce que mes première reponses de 1 a 5 sont juste

Oui mais tu aurais pu être plus succinct pour la 2.

et voici ce que j'ai essayer de faire pouriez vous me corriger merci vraiment de votre aide

6)Pick out the details concerning the work of art which plays a central role in this scene:

Name:The Scream
Artist: Edvard Munch
Dimensions:at roughly two feet by three feet, was big and bulky << Ne concerne pas les dimensions
Price:$72 million

7)Match the words on the left with those on the right.

Tu dois appairer les mots de la colonne gauche avec ceux de la droite de façon à rétablir les 3 phrases correctes. C'est si facile que je te donne les réponses.

Link a suitable element in each column: (1,5 pt)
The guard works in                                 the basement OK
The two men climb to                              the second floor
The Scream is on                                    the second floor

8)Put the principal actions in the correct order: 

a)7/8 The man pushed the painting down the ladder.
b) 4/ One of the men climbed the ladder.
c) 2/ The guard patrolled the museum.
d) 5/The man broke the window.
e)6/ The guard turned off the alarm.
f) 8/ 7 The man detached the painting.
g)9/ The two men escaped in their car.
h) 3/ The guard started his paperwork.
i) 1/ The two men placed the ladder against the wall.

Tu n'es pas logique ! Il a bien fallu qu'il décroche le tableau avant de le sortir par la fenêtre puis le faire glisser le long de l'échelle.

9)True or false? Justify
a) vrai Behind the bushes along the museum’s front wall they found the ladder they had stashed away earlier that night. OK
Silently, they leaned the ladder against the wall. << Inutile
b)   faux He had paperwork to take care of, which was a bore.The guard took up his stack of memos grudgingly, like a student turning to his homework OK mais la première phrase suffit.
c) faux He had taken the job only seven weeks before. OK
d) faux the sun would not rise for another ninety minutes—but the essentials were clear enough OK
e) faux Fifty-five of them would be unfamiliar to anyone but an art student. One was known around the world, an icon as instantly recognizable as the Mona Lisa or van Gogh’s Starry Night. OK

 10) How many warnings of an intrusion does the guard ignore? Justify your answer with quotes from the text. 

One screen suddenly flickered with life. = première alarme

An alarm sounded In his bunker, the guard cursed the false alarm. = seconde alarme / Le reste est inutile >> He walked past the array of television screens without noticing the lone monitor that showed the thieves, stepped over to the control panel, and set the alarm back to zero

11) Pick out two phrases in the text that show how respectful the two men are of their ‘prize’. 

j'arrive pas

merci de me corriger et de votre aide

“Catch!” he whispered, and then, like a parent sending his toddler down a steep hill on a sled, he let go. His companion on the ground, straining upward, caught the sliding painting.

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Utilise plutôt le bouton "Répondre à ce sujet".

Merci d'en tenir compte.

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  • E-Bahut
Il y a 2 heures, yoann2331 a dit :

d'accord merci beaucoup mais du coup pour la question 2 c'est quoi qui ne va pas dans ma reponse?

Tu as coché Scandinavia et précisé Oslo, c'est OK mais tu n'as pas vraiment cité le texte pour justifier le lieu. =>> "In the predawn gloom of a Norwegian winter morning, two men in a stolen car pulled to a halt in front of the National Gallery, Norway’s preeminent art museum."

et encore un  grand merci ppour votre aide c'est très très gentil

Quant à la question 4)Indicate the time at the beginning and at the end of the scene?, je vais pinailler un peu car tu n'as pas vraiment répondu. On te demande de dire l'heure qu'il était au début de la scène (ça c'est facile puisqu'on te la donne) et l'heure qu'il était à la fin de la scène (tu dois la déduire d'après sa durée que l'on te donne aussi). Facile, non ?



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  • E-Bahut
Il y a 8 heures, yoann2331 a dit :

au debut il est 6h29 et a la fin il est Elapsed time inside the museum: fifty seconds. In less than a minute the thieves

mais je crois que j'ai du me tromper car ca fait que 1min50 << Je te rappelle que "less than" ça signifie "moins de" !

Serais-tu mauvais en calcul ? :huh:

6h29 + 50 secondes, ça fait quelle heure ? :-PC'est ultra compliqué à calculer !!! :D

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par contre dans la question 7 je comprends par car dans la deuxième colonne il y a first floor alors que les deux reponses se trouve dasn le second floor?

Et alors ? "the first floor", c'est une erreur, ça arrive. Personne n'est infaillible, y compris la personne qui a composé ce questionnaire. Relis le texte attentivement et tu constateras que le vol se déroule au second étage du musée. D'ailleurs à ton avis, si le tableau s'était trouvé au premier étage, pour quelle raison le voleur escaladeur se serait-il donné le mal de grimper jusqu'au second ? Pas très logique, pas vrai ?

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oui encore merci de votre aide mais moi aussi j'avais trouver aussi le second etage apres je savais pas si il fallait rajouter une phrase sur le premier étage.

par contre j'ai fait une erreur dans la question trois dans real people mentioned il y a van gogh et edvard munch mais il y a ou pas le narrateur edvard dolnick? Moi je dirais que non mais je sais pas du coup je voulais votre avis si je le met ou pas

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  • E-Bahut

Que je sache, Edward Dolnick fait partie des "real people". L'énoncé de la question est assez vague pour que tu puisses l'y inclure.

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  • E-Bahut
Il y a 2 heures, yoann2331 a dit :

du coup je le met quand meme?


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