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J'aurai besoin que quelqu'un m’aide a corriger les fautes dans mon dossiers

Merci d'avance wink.png

Je n'arrive pas a joindre mon fichier word donc je vais le mettre comme ça :

Grey's Anatomy is an American television series created by Shonda Rhimes, broadcast from March 27, 2005 on ABC.

In France, it is broadcast from 3 July 2006 on TF1

The title Grey's Anatomy is a nod to a medical book written by British author Henry Gray in 1858 entitled "Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body."

DVD box sets of seasons 1-8 are out. Each season has an average of 20 episodes that last about 45min.

The main actors are : Mérédith Grey’s and Dereck Sheperd..

Synopsis :

This series features a medical team at a hospital in Seattle: the Sattle Grace Hôpital. The title refers to Meredith Grey, internal medicine, which has a more or less direct with all the main characters.

The series begins on the first day of Meredith internship in surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital. She will have to work seven years if it is to succeed his specialty. Just like his fellow first-year internal, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev.

She was still a student there is very little time. Today, they are all doctors, in a profession where learning can lead patients to life as in death, as the best to the worst. Former surgeon fame, the mother of Meredith (Dr. Ellis Grey) is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Add to that the ups and downs of the personal lives of interns, their daily life is not easy ... But soon, they take their brands and forge strong bonds of friendship and love are there to s' help each other. But they soon discover the hidden personalities of their friends ...

Main story of the series: Meredith / Sheperd :

The series starts on the meeting between Meredith and Dr. Derek Shepherd in a bar, both deciding to spend the night together.

The next day she discovers that he is his superior at the hospital where she begins her residency.

This will be the beginning of a great love story where the obstacles are many.

At the end of season 1, it discovers that Derek is married to Dr. Addison Montgomery.

Addison Montgomery arrived therefore New York for a case in Seattle and is supposed to leave right after the operation, but is ultimately because they offer him was to have the greatest service of neo-natalogie West Coast.

Derek chooses his first wife, preferring to be a "good man" and not ruin his marriage.

But, strangely, Meredith is much nicer than his wife. So he returned home that had almost managed to turn the page and out with a veterinarian. So she starts with Derek, leaves a second time ... He went out with a nurse.

At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the ground he bought a house and draw candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

In season six, she is pregnant but has not time to warn Derek because of a crazed killer who enters the hospital as a result of stress, she had a miscarriage, even before Derek is aware of her pregnancy.

At the beginning of season 7, Meredith does not get the right to operate. Later she accuses Derek numerous speeding ending, every time the police. Tired, she decides the time of the marriage of Christina and Owen to leave police custody. She says she preferred knowledge in custody rather than dying, as when he was shot. She finally confessed that she was pregnant, they promise to support. At the end of the episode, she finally gets the right to make.

Why I love the series ?

I like this series because it is medical and sentimental.

She mixes the stories of everyday life of different individuals and life in the hospital.

In addition, it focuses quickly to many characters.

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  • E-Bahut


Grey's Anatomy is an American television series created by Shonda Rhimes, broadcast from March 27, 2005 on ABC.

In France, it is broadcast from 3 July 2006 on TF1

The title Grey's Anatomy is a nod to a medical book written by British author Henry Gray in 1858 entitled "Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body."

DVD box sets of seasons 1-8 are out. Each season has an average of 20 episodes that last about 45min.

The main actors are : Meredith Grey’s and Dereck Sheperd.<Il n'y a pas d'accents écrits en anglais.

Synopsis :

This series features a medical team at a hospital in Seattle: the Seattle Grace Hôpital. The title refers to Meredith Grey, internal medicine a house physician / an intern, which who has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.<Si j'ai bien compris ce que tu as voulu dire...

The series begins on the first day of Meredith internship in surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital. She will have to work seven years if it she is to succeed make a success of his her specialty. <Sois donc attentif à l'accord du pronom sujet et de l'adjectif possessif car cette faute élémentaire ne pardonne pas au bac. Just like his her fellow first-year interns, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev.

She was still a student there is a very little short time ago.<Tu devrais savoir que "il y a + expression de temps" ne se traduit jamais par there is/there are. Révise ta grammaire en urgence ! Today, they are all doctors, in a profession where learning can lead patients to life live as in or death die as and result in the best to or the worst.<" Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement..." dixit Nicolas Boileau ! Former famous surgeon fame, the mother of Meredith (Dr. Ellis Grey) is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.<La place de l'adjectif ?

Add to that the ups and downs of the personal lives of interns, their daily life is not easy ... But soon, they take find their brands bearings and forge strong bonds of friendship and love are there to help each other.<Au vu de cette sottise, j'espère pour toi que tu n'utilises pas un traducteur automatique. rolleyes.gif But they soon discover the hidden personalities of their friends ...

Main story of the series: Meredith / Sheperd :

The series starts on the meeting between Meredith and Dr. Derek Shepherd in a bar, both deciding to spend the night together.

The next day she discovers that he is his her superior at the hospital where she begins her residency. <L'adjectif possessif s'accorde en genre et en nombre avec le possesseur. C'est élémentaire !

This will be the beginning of a great love story where the obstacles are many.<Omission de the devant un nom employé dans la généralité. Pose-toi la question : "quels obstacles" ? Sont-ils précis, définis de quelconque manière ? NON.

At the end of season 1, it she discovers that Derek is married to Dr. Addison Montgomery.<Tu ne te relis donc jamais ?mad.gif

Addison Montgomery arrived therefore from New York for a case in Seattle and is supposed to leave right after the operation, but is ultimately because they offer him was to have the greatest service of neo-natalogie West Coast.<C'est visiblement repiqué, mal repiqué car ça n'a aucun sens. J'ai beau faire un effort, je ne comprends pas.

Derek chooses his first wife, preferring to be a "good man" and not ruin his marriage.

But, strangely, Meredith is much nicer than his wife. So he returned home that had almost managed to turn the page and out with a veterinarian. <Idem So she starts with Derek, leaves a second time ... He went out with a nurse. <Pourquoi passes-tu brusquement au prétérit alors que tout ce qui précède est au présent ? Mauvais repiquage encore ?unsure.png

At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the ground land he bought to build <??? a house and draw <??? candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

In season six, she is pregnant but has no time to warn tell / inform Derek because of a crazy killer who enters the hospital. Nouvelle phrase> As a result of stress, she has a miscarriage even before Derek is aware of her pregnancy.

At the beginning of season 7, Meredith does not get the right to operate. Later she accuses Derek of numerous speeding ending, every time the police.<Ça n'a aucun sens. Tired, she decides the time of the marriage of Christina and Owen to leave police custody. <Idem She says she prefers to know he is in custody rather than dying, as when he was shot. She finally confesses that she was pregnant, they promise to support. At the end of the episode, she finally gets the right to make. <Idem

Why I love the series?

I like this series because it is medical and sentimental.

She It mixes the stories of everyday life of different individuals' everyday lives and life in the hospital.

In addition, it quickly focuses to on many characters. En te lisant et au risque de me tromper, j'ai la nette impression que tu t'es contenté de repiquer un certain nombre de phrases sur un site internet sans te soucier de leur moindre cohérence ni de leur correction grammaticale et, pire encore, de leur sens.

Mais tout cela n'est que la partie émergée de l'iceberg, ton gros handicap se situant au niveau des connaissances grammaticales.

Alors mets-toi au travail sérieusement pour combler tes lacunes actuelles car tu as de quoi faire et surtout dis-toi que personne ne le fera à ta place, pas même les animateurs de ce forum, moi y compris.

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Grey's Anatomy is an American television series created by Shonda Rhimes, broadcast from March 27, 2005 on ABC.

In France, it is broadcast from 3 July 2006 on TF1

The title Grey's Anatomy is a nod to a medical book written by British author Henry Gray in 1858 entitled "Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body."

DVD box sets of seasons 1-8 are out. Each season has an average of 20 episodes that last about 45min.

The main actors are : Meredith Grey’s and Dereck Sheperd.

Synopsis :

This series features a medical team at a hospital in Seattle: the Seattle Grace Hôpital. The title refers to Meredith Grey, an intern, who has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.

The series begins on the first day of Meredith internship in surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital. She will have to work seven years if she is to make a success of her specialty.

Just like her fellow first-year interns, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev.

She was still a student a very short time ago.

Today, they are all doctors, in a profession where learning can lead patients to live or die and result in the best or the worst.

Former famous surgeon, the mother of Meredith (Dr. Ellis Grey) is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Add to that the ups and downs of the personal lives of interns, their daily life is not easy ... But soon, they find their bearings and forge strong bonds of friendship and love are there to help each other. But they soon discover the hidden personalities of their friends ...

Main story of the series: Meredith / Sheperd :

The series starts on the meeting between Meredith and Dr. Derek Shepherd in a bar, both deciding to spend the night together.

The next day she discovers that he is her superior at the hospital where she begins her residency.

This will be the beginning of a great love story where obstacles are many.

At the end of season 1, she discovers that Derek is married to Dr. Addison Montgomery.

Addison Montgomery arrived from New York for a case in Seattle and is supposed to leave right after the operation, but is ultimately because they offer him was to have the greatest service of neo-natalogie West Coast. (je voulais dire : "mais reste finalement car ils lui a était proposer d'avoir le plus grand service de néo-natalogie de la côte Ouest".)

Derek chooses his first wife, preferring to be a "good man" and not ruin his marriage.

But, strangely, Meredith is much nicer than his wife. So he returned home that had almost managed to turn the page and out with a veterinarian.(je voulais dire : Alors, il revient chez elle qui avait presque réussi à tourner la page et sortait avec un vétérinaire.)

So she starts with Derek, leaves a second time ... He went out with a nurse.

At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the land (je voulais dire terrain) he bought to build a house and draw candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

(la phrase en français donne ça : À la fin de la saison 4, Meredith se rend sur le terrain qu'il a acheté et dessine une maison en bougies, lui expliquant qu'elle veut des enfants, une vie heureuse et normale à ses côtés.)

In season six, she is pregnant but has no time to tell / inform Derek because of a crazy killer who enters the hospital.

As a result of stress, she has a miscarriage even before Derek is aware of her pregnancy.

At the beginning of season 7, Meredith does not get the right to operate. Later she accuses Derek of numerous speeding ending, every time the police.<Ça n'a aucun sens. Tired, she decides the time of the marriage of Christina and Owen to leave police custody. <Idem She says she prefers to know he is in custody rather than dying, as when he was shot. She finally confesses that she was pregnant, they promise to support. At the end of the episode, she finally gets the right to make. <Idem

(en français : , Meredith n'obtient pas le droit d'opérer. Plus tard elle reproche à Derek ses nombreux excès de vitesse qui se terminent, à chaque fois, au commissariat. Lassée, elle décide, le temps du mariage de Christina et Owen de le laisser en garde à vue. Elle lui explique qu'elle préférait le savoir en garde à vue plutôt que mourant, comme lorsqu'il s'est fait tirer dessus. Elle lui avouera finalement qu'elle était enceinte, ils se promettent de se soutenir. À la fin de l'épisode, elle obtient finalement le droit d'opérer.)

Why I love the series?

I like this series because it is medical and sentimental.

It mixes the stories of different individual's everyday lives and life in the hospital.

In addition, it quickly focuses on many characters.

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  • E-Bahut


At the end of season 1, she discovers that Derek is married to Dr. Addison Montgomery.

Addison Montgomery arrived from New York for a case in Seattle and is supposed to leave right after the operation but in the end she stays because she is offered to run the greatest service of neonatology of the West Coast. (je voulais dire : "mais reste finalement car ils lui a était proposer d'avoir le plus grand service de néo-natalogie de la côte Ouest".)


Derek chooses his first wife, preferring to be a "good man" and not ruin his marriage.

But, strangely, Meredith is much nicer than his wife. So he returned home to the one who had almost managed to turn the page and had been going out with a veterinarian.(je voulais dire : Alors, il revient chez elle qui avait presque réussi à tourner la page et sortait avec un vétérinaire.)


At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the land he bought and draws a house with candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

(la phrase en français donne ça : À la fin de la saison 4, Meredith se rend sur le terrain qu'il a acheté et dessine une maison en bougies, lui expliquant qu'elle veut des enfants, une vie heureuse et normale à ses côtés.)


At the beginning of season 7, Meredith does not get the right to operate. Later she accuses Derek of speeding on many occasions, which always end up at the police station. Being fed up / tired, she decides to leave him in police custody during the marriage of Christina and Owen. She says she prefers to know he is in custody rather than dying, as when he was shot. She finally confesses that she was pregnant, they promise to support each other. At the end of the episode, she finally gets the right to operate.

(en français : , Meredith n'obtient pas le droit d'opérer. Plus tard elle reproche à Derek ses nombreux excès de vitesse qui se terminent, à chaque fois, au commissariat. Lassée, elle décide, le temps du mariage de Christina et Owen de le laisser en garde à vue. Elle lui explique qu'elle préférait le savoir en garde à vue plutôt que mourant, comme lorsqu'il s'est fait tirer dessus. Elle lui avouera finalement qu'elle était enceinte, ils se promettent de se soutenir. À la fin de l'épisode, elle obtient finalement le droit d'opérer.)


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Grey's Anatomy is an American television series created by Shonda Rhimes, broadcast from March 27, 2005 on ABC.

In France, it is broadcast from 3 July 2006 on TF1

The title Grey's Anatomy is a nod to a medical book written by British author Henry Gray in 1858 entitled "Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body."

DVD box sets of seasons 1-8 are out. Each season has an average of 20 episodes that last about 45min.

The main actors are : Meredith Grey’s and Dereck Sheperd.

Synopsis :

This series features a medical team at a hospital in Seattle: the Seattle Grace Hôpital. The title refers to Meredith Grey, an intern, who has a more or less direct link with all the main characters.

The series begins on the first day of Meredith internship in surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital. She will have to work seven years if she is tomake a success of her specialty.

Just like her fellow first-year interns, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev.

She was still a student a very short time ago.

Today, they are all doctors, in a profession where learning can lead patients to live or die and result in the best or the worst.

Former famous surgeon, the mother of Meredith (Dr. Ellis Grey) is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Add to that the ups and downs of the personal lives of interns, their daily life is not easy ... But soon, they find their bearings and forge strong bonds of friendship and love are there to help each other. But they soon discover the hidden personalities of their friends ...

Main story of the series: Meredith / Sheperd :

The series starts on the meeting between Meredith and Dr. Derek Shepherd in a bar, both deciding to spend the night together.

The next day she discovers that he is her superior at the hospital where she begins her residency.

This will be the beginning of a great love story where obstacles are many.

At the end of season 1, she discovers that Derek is married to Dr. Addison Montgomery.

Addison Montgomery arrived from New York for a case in Seattle and is supposed to leave right after the operation but in the end she stays because she is offered to run the greatest service of neonatology of the West Coast.

Derek chooses his first wife, preferring to be a "good man" and not ruin his marriage.

But, strangely, Meredith is much nicer than his wife. So he returned home to the one who had almost managed to turn the page and had been going out with a veterinarian.

So she starts with Derek, leaves a second time ... He went out with a nurse.

At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the land he bought to build a house and draw candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

In season six, she is pregnant but has no time to tell / inform Derek because of a crazy killer who enters the hospital.

As a result of stress, she has a miscarriage even before Derek is aware of her pregnancy.

At the beginning of season 7, Meredith does not get the right to operate. Later she accuses Derek of speeding on many occasions, which always end up at the police station. Being fed up / tired, she decides to leave him in police custody during the marriage of Christina and Owen. She says she prefers to know he is in custody rather than dying, as when he was shot. She finally confessesthat she was pregnant, they promise to support each other. At the end of the episode, she finally gets the right to operate.

Why I love the series?

I like this series because it is medical and sentimental.

It mixes the stories of different individual's everyday lives and life in the hospital.

In addition, it quickly focuses on many characters.

Voila dites moi si c'est tout est juste comme ça.

D'accord je vais renseigner mon profil.

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  • E-Bahut

Juste 2 détails à rectifier :

At the end of season 4, Meredith goes to the land he bought to build a house and draws it with candles, explaining that she wants children, a normal and happy life with him.

It mixes the stories of different individuals' everyday lives with life in the hospital.

Par ailleurs, en te relisant attentivement, tu remarqueras que certains mots sont "collés" pour lesquels tu n'as pas appuyé sur la barre d'espacement. À toi de les trouver.

Et merci de compléter ton profil.

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j'ai un autre texte a corriger mais cette fois si c'est sur rihanna :

Rihanna's real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, born February 20, 1988 in St. Michael is a singer, dancer, occasional actress (she held a leading role in 2012 film Battleship). His music evolves mainly between R & B and pop.

Discography :

Rihanna has released six studio albums and two albums of remixes from the beginning of his career in 2005.

In 2005, Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which is extracted the single Pon de Replay.

Nearly a year later, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), with her debut single number 1 SOS …

Good Girl Gone Bad, the third album, released in May 2007 with the singles Umbrella, Don’t Stop the Music, Take A Bow and Disturbia and extracts the reissue of the album. This is called nine times for Grammy Awards, winning the best collaboration rap / song for Umbrella.

Her fourth studio album Rated R (2009) contains the song Russian Roulette and Te Amo .

Rude Boy.Loud (2010) is the fifth studio album, followed by the sixth studio album Talk That Talk (2011) and seventh studio album Unapologetic (2012).

Privacy :

His mother Monica Braithwaite, a former accountant, and his father Ronald Fenty is a warehouse supervisor Barbadian and Irish descent. Rihanna has two brothers, and Rorrey Rajad Fenty, and two half-sisters and half-brother of his father's side, each born by different mothers from previous relationships.


Rihanna's career began from his association with American producers Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers. She met Rogers through mutual friends in Barbados in December 2003, it asked him to come to his hotel, where she sang the songs Emotion (Samantha Sang) and Hero (Mariah Carey).


Rihanna is the artist with the largest number of singles are being classified in the first position on the Billboard Hot 100depuis 2000, with 12 number one songs

It is also one of the celebrities who have exceeded one billion videos viewed on YouTube, a performance seulsBeyoncé Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Eminem, Britney Spears has done, says the site INpact PC. Recently, it has exceeded 3 billion views on YouTube, it is one that has accumulated the most views in the history of YouTubedevant Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber behind.

Rihanna also holds the record for digital sales in the United States for singles with more than $ 47.7 million in sales, just as a lead artist.

Philanthropy :

In 2006, Rihanna founded the association Believe that helps children in need around the world. The association aims to provide young people with education, finance, society and medical support when and where they need it.

The singer also many free concerts whose proceeds were donated to the people, as the concert in Birmingham organized July 11, 2011 due to tornadoes that hit Alabama. So Rihanna has paid the full benefits of the concert, or $ 89,000 to the city of Tuscaloosa to help rebuild.

Rihanna has sung along with Calvin Harris after the Grammy Awards, February 12, 2012 in Los Angeles, House of Blues, as part of a charity concert whose proceeds were donated to the Children's Hospital of the City .

She participated in the March 10, 2012 charity gala Make It Right Brad Pitt with proceeds from the event were to help all the families of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.

Why I chose rihanna ?

I chose this because rihanna is one of my favorite singers: through his music, his voice, and beauty.

Je le met en français au cas ou il y a des phrases que vous n'arrivez pas a comprendre comme hier :

Rihanna de son vrai nom Robyn Rihanna Fenty, née le 20 février 1988 à Saint Michael (Barbade), est une chanteuse, danseuse, occasionnellement actrice (elle a tenu en 2012 un des premiers rôles du film Battleship). Sa musique évolue principalement entre le R&B et la pop.

Discographie :

Rihanna a sorti six albums studio et deux albums de remixes depuis le début de sa carrière en 2005

En 2005, Rihanna sort son premier album studio, Music of the Sun, dont est extrait le single Pon de Replay.

Près d'un an après, elle sort son deuxième album studio A Girl Like me (2006), avec son premier single numéro 1 SOS.

good girl Gone Bad, le troisième album, sort en mai 2007 avec les singles Umbrella, Don't Stop the Music, puis Take a Bow et Disturbia extraits de la réédition de l'album. Ce dernier est nommé à neuf reprises aux Grammy Awards, remportant la meilleure collaboration rap/chant pour Umbrella

Son quatrième album studio Rated R (2009), contient les chansons Russian roulette, Te Amo et

Rude boy loude (2010) est le cinquième album studio, suivi par le sixième album studio Talk That Talk (2011) et un septième album studio Unapologetic (2012).

Vie privé :

Sa mère est Monica Braithwaite, une ancienne comptable, et son père Ronald Fenty est un surveillant d'entrepôt d'origine barbadienne et irlandaise. Rihanna a deux frères, Rorrey et Rajad Fenty, et deux demi-sœurs et un demi-frère du côté de son père, chacun né de mères différentes, de ses relations antérieures.

Début :

La carrière de Rihanna a commencé de part son association avec les producteurs américains Carl Sturken et Evan Rogers. Elle a rencontré Rogers par des amis communs à la Barbade en décembre 2003, celui-ci lui demanda de venir à son hôtel, où elle a interprété les chansons Emotion (Samantha Sang) et Hero (Mariah Carey).

Records :

Rihanna est l'artiste détenant le plus grand nombre de singles s'étant classés en première position du Billboard Hot 100 depuis 2000, avec 12 titres numéro un

Elle est aussi une des célébrités ayant dépassé le milliard de vidéos vues sur Youtube, une performance que seuls Beyoncé Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Eminem, Britney Spears ont réalisé, souligne le site Pc inpact. Récemment, elle a dépassé les 3 milliards de vues sur YouTube, elle est donc celle qui a accumulé le plus vue de l'histoire de youtube devant Lady Gaga et juste derrière Justin Bieber.

Rihanna détient aussi le record de ventes digitales aux États-Unis en matière de singles avec plus de 47,7 millions de ventes, seulement en tant que lead artiste.

Philantrophie :

En 2006, Rihanna a fondé l'association Believe qui vient en aide aux enfants dans le besoin partout dans le monde. L'association a pour but de fournir aux jeunes éducation, financement, société et soutien médical quand et là où ils en ont besoin.

La chanteuse a également fait de nombreux concerts gratuits dont les bénéfices ont été reversés à la population, comme le concert à Birmingham organisé le 11 juillet 2011 en raison des tornades qui ont frappé l'Alabama. Ainsi, Rihanna a versé l'intégralité des bénéfices du concert, soit 89 000 $ à la ville de Tyscalossa afin d'aider à sa reconstruction.

Rihanna a notamment chanté en compagnie de Calvin Harris après les Grammy Awards, le 12 février 2012 à Los Angeles, à House of Blues, dans le cadre d’un concert de charité dont les bénéfices ont été reversés au centre hospitalier pour enfants de la ville.

Elle participa le 10 mars 2012 au gala de charité Make It Right de Brad Pitt dont les profits de la soirée ont été destinés à aider toutes les familles victimes de l'ouragan Katrina qui avait dévasté la Nouvelle-Orléans en 2005.

Pourquoi j’ai choisie Rihanna ?

J'ai choisi rihanna car c'est une de mes chanteuses préférée : par sa musique, par sa voix, et sa beauté.

Merci d'avance :)

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j'ai un autre texte a corriger mais cette fois si c'est sur rihanna :

Rihanna's real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She was born in February the 20th in 1988 in St. Michael. ( tu avais écris quelque chose d'incompréhensible...) She is a singer, dancer and an occasional actress (she had a leading role in the 2012 film "Battleship"). His (His? à ma connaissance, Rihanna est de sexe féminin, donc her!) music evolves mainly between R & B and pop.

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  • E-Bahut
Rihanna's real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, born on February 20, 1988 in St. Michael. Nouvelle phrase> She is a singer, dancer, an occasional actress (she held a leading role in 2012 film Battleship). His music evolves mainly between R & B and pop.< Faute déjà signalée à corriger. Si tu ne tiens pas davantage compte de mes annotations et continues de commettre les mêmes fautes, je ne vois plus d'utilité à mes corrections.

Il faut que tu te persuades qu'une correction bien comprise est justement destinée à te faire progresser.

Discography :

Rihanna has released six studio albums and two albums of remixes from the beginning of his career in 2005.

In 2005, Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which is extracted from the single Pon de Replay.

Nearly a year later, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), with her debut single number 1 SOS …

Good Girl Gone Bad, the third album, released in May 2007 with the singles Umbrella, Don’t Stop the Music, Take A Bow and Disturbia and extracts from the reissue of the album. This is called nine times for Grammy Awards, winning the best collaboration rap / song for Umbrella.

Her fourth studio album Rated R (2009) contains the song Russian Roulette and Te Amo .

Rude Boy.Loud (2010) is the fifth studio album, followed by the sixth studio album Talk That Talk (2011) and seventh studio album Unapologetic (2012).

Privacy :

His mother Monica Braithwaite, a former accountant, and his father Ronald Fenty is a warehouse supervisor of Barbadian and Irish descent. Rihanna has two brothers, and Rorrey Rajad and Fenty, and two half-sisters and half-brother of his father's side, each born by of different mothers from previous relationships.


Rihanna's career began from his association with American producers Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers. She met Rogers through mutual friends in Barbados in December 2003, it asked him to come to his hotel, where she sang the songs Emotion (Samantha Sang) and Hero (Mariah Carey).

Records: <Revois donc l'emploi des divers pronoms sujets et compléments en parallèle avec l'emploi des adjectifs et pronoms possessifs. Rappel : l'accord se fait toujours avec le genre du sujet ou du possesseur.

Rihanna is the artist with the largest number of singles are being that have been classified in the first position on the Billboard Hot 100 depuis since 2000, with 12 number one songs. <Tu ne te relis donc pas ? rolleyes.gif

It She is also one of the celebrities who have exceeded one billion videos viewed on YouTube, a performance seuls only Beyoncé Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Eminem, Britney Spears has done have achieved says the site INpact PC. Recently, it has exceeded 3 billion views on YouTube, it is one that has accumulated the most views in the history of YouTube devant before Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber behind.<Quand tu ignores un mot, cherche-le dans le dictionnaire plutôt que d'écrire le mot en français. C'est de la pure paresse et c'est lourdement pénalisé aux examens. mad.gif

Rihanna also holds the record for digital sales in the United States for singles with more than $ 47.7 million in sales, just as a lead artist.

Philanthropy :

In 2006, Rihanna founded the association Believe that helps children in need around the world. The association aims to provide young people with education, finance, society and medical support when and where they need it.

The singer also XXX <le verbe ??? Quand tu copies, fais-le correctement. many free concerts whose proceeds were donated to the people, as the concert in Birmingham organized July 11, 2011 due to tornadoes that hit Alabama. So Rihanna has paid the full benefits of the concert, or $ 89,000 to the city of Tuscaloosa to help rebuild.

Rihanna has sung along with Calvin Harris after the Grammy Awards, February 12, 2012 in Los Angeles, House of Blues, as part of a charity concert whose proceeds were donated to the Children's Hospital of the City .

She participated in the March 10, 2012 charity gala Make It Right XXX<??? Idem Brad Pitt with proceeds from the event were to help all the families of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.

Why did I choose rihanna?

I chose this because rihanna is one of my favorite singers: through his music, his voice, and beauty.

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c'est bon comme ça ? :

Rihanna’as real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She was born in February the 20th in 1998 in St Michael. Sje is a singer, dancer and an occasional actress (she had a leadgin role in the 2012 film “Battleship). Her music evolves mainly between R&B and pop.

Discography :

Rihanna has released six studio albums and two albums of remixes from the beginning of her career in 2005.

In 2005, Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which is extracted from the single Pon de Replay.

Nearly a year later, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), with her debut single number 1 SOS …

Good Girl Gone Bad, the third album, released in May 2007 with the singles Umbrella, Don’t Stop the Music, Take A Bow and Disturbia and extracts from the reissue of the album. This is called nine times for Grammy Awards, winning the best collaboration rap / song for Umbrella.

Her fourth studio album Rated R (2009) contains the song Russian Roulette and Te Amo .

Rude Boy.Loud (2010) is the fifth studio album, followed by the sixth studio album Talk That Talk (2011) and seventh studio album Unapologetic (2012).

Privacy :

Her mother Monica Braithwaite, a former accountant, and her father Ronald Fenty is a warehouse supervisor of Barbadian and Irish descent. Rihanna has two brothers, Rorrey Rajad and Fenty, and two half-sisters and half-brother of her father's side, each born of different mothers from previous relationships.


Rihanna's career began from her association with American producers Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers. She met Rogers through mutual friends in Barbados in December 2003, he asked him to come to his hotel, where she sang the songs Emotion (Samantha Sang) and Hero (Mariah Carey).


Rihanna is the artist with the largest number of singles that have been classified in the first position on the Billboard Hot 100 since 2000, with 12 number one songs.

She is also one of the celebrities who have exceeded one billion videos viewed on YouTube, a performance only Beyoncé Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Eminem, Britney Spears have achieved says the site INpact PC. Recently, she has exceeded 3 billion views on YouTube, she is one that has accumulated the most views in the history of YouTube before Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber behind.

Rihanna also holds the record for digital sales in the United States for singles with more than $ 47.7 million in sales, just as a lead artist.

Philanthropy :

In 2006, Rihanna founded the association Believe that helps children in need around the world. The association aims to provide young people with education, finance, society and medical support when and where they need it.

The singer also does many free concerts whose proceeds were donated to the people, as the concert in Birmingham organized July 11, 2011 due to tornadoes that hit Alabama. So Rihanna has paid the full benefits of the concert, or $ 89,000 to the city of Tuscaloosa to help rebuild.

Rihanna has sung along with Calvin Harris after the Grammy Awards, February 12, 2012 in Los Angeles, House of Blues, as part of a charity concert whose proceeds were donated to the Children's Hospital of the City .

She participated in the March 10, 2012 charity gala “Make It Right” by Brad Pitt with proceeds from the event were to help all the families of the victims of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005.

Why did I choose rihanna?

I chose rihanna because she is one of my favorite singers: through her music, her voice, and beauty.

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  • E-Bahut
Rihanna’as real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. She was born in February the 20th in 1998 in St Michael. Sje is a singer, dancer and an occasional actress (she had a leadgin role in the 2012 film “Battleship). <J'ai déjà corrigé cette date. Alors pourquoi reproduis-tu les fautes ?

Why did I choose rihanna?

I chose rihanna because she is one of my favorite singers: through her music, her voice, and beauty. <Idem, fautes déjà signalées. Faut te faire un dessin ?

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encore un .. c'est le dernier wink.png


London, located in the southeast of Britain, is the capital and largest city of the United Kingdom.

Density: 200 hab/km2

London in the nineteenth century was the most populous city in the world.

Now widely exceeded in this area many megacities

London is a dynamic and very diverse in terms of culture. It plays an important role in art and fashion. It is also a major tourist destination. It receives 27 million tourists per year and has four World Heritage Sites as well as numerous iconic landmarks such as:

Tower Bridge: the most beautiful bridge in the world, with its two towers. Its gateway switches for low pass large vessels. The raised bridge have become a spectacle, visible 900 times per year.

Big Ben : Westminster Palace tower is at the origin of his nickname largest bell. In all cases, the legendary sound of the bell still rings far: we could hear up to six miles around. The tower itself is 96.3 meters high, and indicates the time using four quadrants.

London Eye : Ferris wheel is 135 meters in diameter, the largest in Europe. It is situated on the banks of the Thames. It has 32 ​​cabins egg-shaped, each representing a county in Britain. One full turn wheel normally lasts 30 minutes.

Palace of Westminster: it originally served as a royal residence.

Buckingham Palace: is the official residence of the British monarch in London. The palate is both the place where the events occur in relation to the royal family, the ending point of many heads of state visit, and a major tourist attraction.

British Museum : is a museum of history and human culture. Its collections consist of more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest in the world and originate from all continents. They illustrate the human history from its beginnings to today.

Why I chose this city?

I chose this city because I think it is a beautiful city: it has many cultural attractions: monuments, museums, shops etc. ..

London is a paradise for all visitors.

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  • E-Bahut


London, located in the southeast of Britain, is the capital and largest city of in the United Kingdom.

Density: 200 hab/km2

In the nineteenth century London was the most populous city in the world.

Now widely exceeded in this area many megacities <???

London is a dynamic and very diverse city in terms of culture. It plays an important role in art and fashion. It is also a major tourist destination. It receives 27 million tourists per year and has four World Heritage Sites as well as numerous iconic landmarks such as:

Tower Bridge: the most beautiful bridge in the world, with its two towers. Its gateway roadway switches lifts up for low to let large vessels pass. The raised bridge have has become a spectacle, visible 900 times per year.

Big Ben : Westminster Palace tower is at the origin of his the nickname of its largest bell. In all cases, the legendary sound of the bell can still rings far: we could hear up to be heard as far as six miles around. The tower itself is 96.3 meters high and indicates the time using four quadrants dials / faces.

London Eye : Ferris wheel is 135 meters in diameter, the largest in Europe. It is situated on the banks of the Thames. It has 32 ​​ egg-shaped cabins (*), each representing a county in Britain. One full turn of the wheel normally lasts 30 minutes.

(*) L'adjectif toujours AVANT le nom.

Palace of Westminster: it originally served as a royal residence.

Buckingham Palace: is the official residence of the British monarch in London. The palace is both the place where the events occur in relation to the royal family, the ending point of many heads of state visit, and a major tourist attraction.

British Museum : is a museum of history and human culture. Its collections consist of more than seven million objects, are amongst the largest in the world and originate from all continents. They illustrate the human history from its beginnings to today.

Why I chose this city?

I chose this city because I think it is a beautiful city: it has many cultural attractions: monuments, museums, shops etc. ..

London is a paradise for all visitors.

Quand tu copies un texte, fais-le correctement et surtout relis-toi systématiquement. Il n'y aura pas toujours quelqu'un d'autre pour le faire à ta place, en particulier quand tu passeras le bac.

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