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J'ai des questions à faire sur un texte. Il y en a certaines que j'ai réussis et d'autres pour lesquelles j'ai eu du mal. Je vous mets le texte en mettant bien en valeur les différentes parties par rapport aux questions, ainsi que les justifications en gras afin que vous puissiez comprendre facilement mes réponses. Cela me paraissais facile, alors je ne sais pas si j'ai assez bien dévellopé.

Kavita has decided to give birth to her child in an abandoned hut, not far from her home.


No one heard my prayers. Kavita closes her eyes and her body shudders with silent tears. She leans forward, seizes the midwife's hand, and whispers "Daiji (=Sage femme en hindi), don't tell anyone. Go quickly , fetch Rupa (=Kavita's sister) , and bring her here. No one, you hear ?"

"Yes, my child. Blessings to you and your baby. You rest now, please. I will bring some food". The midwife steps outside into the might.

As the early light of dawn seeps into the hut, Kavita awakens and feels the throbbing ache in her pelvis. She shifts her body, and her gaze falls upond the newborn sleeping peacefully beside her.

It is not long before the door creaks open and bright sunlight spills in. Jasu enters, his eyes gleaming. "Whe is he?" He beckons playfully with his hands. " Where is my little prince? Come, come... Let me see him!" He walks toward her, arms outstretched.


Kavita stiffens. She clutches the baby to her chest and tries to sit up. "She is here. Youre little princess is right here". She sees blackness cloud his eyes. Her arms tremble as she wraps them tightly aroud the baby, shielding her small body.

"Another girl? What is the matter with you? Let me see!" he shouts.

"No. I will not. You are not taking her". She hears the shrillness of her voice, feels the tension flood into her limbs. "This is my baby, our baby, and I will not let you take her". She sees bewilderment in his eyes as they search her face for some understanding. She has newer spoken to anyone, let alone her husband, with such defiance.

He takes a few steps toward her, then his face softens and he falls to his knees next to her. "Look, Kavita, you know we can't keep this baby. We need a boy to help us in the fields. As it is, we can hardly afford one child, how can we have two? My cousin's daughter is twenty-three and still not married, because he can't come up with the dowry. We are not a rich family, Kavita. You know we can't do this".


Her eyes fill again with tears, and she shakes her head until the spill out. Her breath becomes ragged. She squeezes her eyes closed for several breaths. When she opens them again, she looks squarely at her husband. "I won't let you take her this time. I won't. If you try, if you even try, you will to kill me first."

"Kavita, come, you're not thinking straight, We can't do this."

He throws his hands in the air. "She will become a burden to us, a drain on your family. Is that what you want?" He stands, towering over her again.

Her mouth is dry. She stumbles over the words she has not quite allowed to form except in the distant corners of her mind. "Give me one night. Juste one night with my child. You can comme fetch her tomorrow."

Jasu remains silent, looking down at his feet.



1. How many characters are presents in this passage? Who are they?

There are 4 characters presents in this passage. They are people of Indian culture. It is a family.

2. What is the situation?

Kavita has no right to keep her baby because she is a girl. (Ai-je assez dévelloper?)

3. When whas the baby born?

In the morning? In the afternoon? At night?

4. When does Jasu pay his wife a visit? Justify by quoting the text.

In the morning? In the afternoon? At night? Justification: " It is not long before the door creaks open and bright sunlight spills in "

5. Jasu's reaction.

How does he react when he enters the hut? Justify by the quoting the texte.

Jasu is shocked because he was expecting to have a boy and not a girl. "Come, come... Let me see him!"


1. Given the meaning of "stiff" (raide), explain why Kavita stiffens.

Kavita stiffs because she knows that this is not a boy but a girl, she is afraid of his reaction.

2. Jasu is suprised by Kavita's attitude because: (Je devais remplir ce que j'ai mis en italique, mais je ne suis vraiment pas sûre...)

a. She is obliged to obey him.

b. She ... to him defiantly.

3. Find three reasons why, according to Jasu, they can't keep the baby. (J'ai mis en gras dans le texte les 3 raisons).

- Ce n'est pas une famille riche: This is not a rich family

- Il n'est pas possible pour lui d'avoir 2 enfants: It's not possible for him to have 2 childrens

- Il veut un garçon pour l'aider à travailler dans les champs: He wants a boy to help work in the fields.

4. What does the underlined word refer to?

"We can't do this " (Je l'ai souligné dans le texte) Je n'ai pas compris cette question...


1. What does the underlined word imply?

"I won't let you take her this time" Comme l'autre question, pas compris mais je vous souligne le mot dans la partie 3.

2. True of false? Justify by quoting from the text.

a. Jasu controls himself perfectly -> False. Justification : "Jasu remains silent, looking down at his feet."

b. Kavita cannot speak properly -> True. Justification: "Her mouth is dry. She stumbles over the words she has not quite allowed to form except in the distant corners of her mind "

3. Quote two words Jasu uses to prove his point. (Pas sûre du tout) -> "Drain" and "Burden" (mis en italique dans la partie 3)

4. What does Kavita beg Jasu for in the end?

A la fin Kavita supplie Jasu car elle veut au moins garder son enfant pour une nuit: At the end Jasu Kavita beg because she wants to keep her child at least for one night.

Merci beaucoup à vous d'avance!

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1. How many characters are presents <adjectif INVARIABLE in this passage? Who are they?

There are 4 characters presents <bis ! in this passage. OK They are people of Indian culture. It is a family. Là, tu réponds à côté.

Qui sont-ils ? Nomme-les et donne leur "qualité". Il y a la jeune mère et son bébé, la sage-femme, puis le mari.

2. What is the situation?

Kavita has no right to keep her baby because she is a girl. (Ai-je assez développé ?) Mouais... À la fois parce que Kavita recommande à la sage-femme de ne rien dire à personne et que Jasu demande à voir son fils, on déduit que la naissance d'une fille est plus que problématique. On n'en sait pas plus pour l'instant.

3. When was the baby born?

In the morning? In the afternoon? The baby was born at night =>> " The midwife steps outside into the night. "

4. When does Jasu pay his wife a visit? Justify by quoting the text.

In the morning? In the afternoon? At night? Justification: " It is not long before the door creaks open and bright sunlight spills in. " OK Juste avant, on apprend que Kavita s'est réveillée aux premières lueurs de l'aube.

5. Jasu's reaction.

How does he react when he enters the hut? Justify by quoting the text.

Jasu is shocked because he was expecting to have a boy and not a girl.<Pas encore ! Il le sera dans la deuxième partie. Pour l'instant là, Il est enthousiaste à l'idée de prendre son fils dans ses bras car pour lui cela ne fait aucun doute que c'est un fils. Il a les yeux qui brillent et les bras grands ouverts. "Come, come... Let me see him!"


1. Given the meaning of "stiff" (raide), explain why Kavita stiffens.

Kavita stiffs because she knows that this is not a boy but a girl, she is afraid of his reaction. OK

2. Jasu is suprised by Kavita's attitude because: (Je devais remplir ce que j'ai mis en italique, mais je ne suis vraiment pas sûre...)

a. She is obliged to obey him.

b. She has never spoken to him defiantly.

3. Find three reasons why, according to Jasu, they can't keep the baby. (J'ai mis en gras dans le texte les 3 raisons). OK

- Ce n'est pas une famille riche: This is not a rich family

- Il n'est pas possible pour lui d'avoir 2 enfants: It's not possible for him to have 2 childrens 1child <---> 2 children. Ne refais jamais plus cette faute.

- Il veut un garçon pour l'aider à travailler dans les champs: He wants a boy to help work in the fields.

4. What does the underlined word refer to?

"We can't do this " (Je l'ai souligné dans le texte) Je n'ai pas compris cette question..." this " est en effet très lourd de sous-entendu. Cela veut dire " nous ne pouvons pas la garder ", et je te laisse supposer le sort réservé au bébé fille...


1. What does the underlined word imply?

"I won't let you take her this time" Comme l'autre question, pas compris mais je vous souligne le mot dans la partie 3.

" this time " laisse supposer que Kavita a déjà donné naissance à une première fille que son mari lui a enlevée pour la tuer car c'est une bouche inutile.

2. True of false? Justify by quoting from the text.

a. Jasu controls himself perfectly -> False. Justification : "Jasu remains silent, looking down at his feet." =>> He throws his hands in the air, ce qui démontre qu'il ne se maîtrise pas parfaitement.

b. Kavita cannot speak properly -> True. OK Justification : "Her mouth is dry. She stumbles over the words she has not quite allowed to form except in the distant corners of her mind "

3. Quote two words Jasu uses to prove his point. (Pas sûre du tout) -> "Drain" and "Burden" (mis en italique dans la partie 3) OK

4. What does Kavita beg Jasu for in the end?

A la fin Kavita supplie Jasu car elle veut au moins garder son enfant pour une nuit: At In the end Kavita begs Jasu because she wants to let her keep her child at least for one night.

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