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Devoir D'anglais Oral


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  • E-Bahut

Kikou, alors pour une fois j'ai un peu besoin d'aide. J'ai un devoir oral en anglais a faire, et j'aimerais bien que tu me corriges mon brouillon a l'ecrit.

Donc voila, je te montre ce que j'ai deja fait :

Question 1 : What studies have you already completed ? What qualifications do you have ? Why have you decided to study a BTS in Internacional Commerce ?

Reponse 1 : Alors pour la premiere des questions, j'aurais besoin de ton aide, car je m'emmele toujours les pinceaux avec les equivalences de niveau. Comment puis-je dire que j'ai fini mon college et mon lycee et que j'ai eu mon bac ES avec mention ? le "College" c'est le lycee pour nous, non ?

I have a General Culture 's knowledge, a Geography's one, an History's one. I speak perfectly spanish and french, which is my first language. I also know about economy, maths.

I've decided to study a BTS in Internacional Commerce because I think it could opened a lot of possibilities for the future : if I want, after my BTS, I can continue my studies in an Economy School ( Ecole de commerce ? ) or I can start to work. I think Internacional Commerce is a sector in expension, which can give you a lot of choices for work, especially nowadays, with the importance that is taking Internacional Relations.

Question 2 : What about your past work experience or work placements ? If you don't have any, invent something.

heu.. la si vous pouviez me donner quelques idees, meme en francais, car je ne vois pas trop ce que je pourrais dire ( et oui, moi je fais parti du " if you don't have any, invent something" )

Question 3 : Where do you see yourself in five years from now ?

In five years from now, I hope I'll have finished my studies, even if I decided to continue them after my BTS. I wish I will have started to work in a company and I'll be satisfied of my work too. Or maybe, I will have opened my own company, in the tourism sector. I can't say where I will be, because I know that life is full of surprises.

( est ce que ce n'est pas un peu trop court ? Mais je n'ai plus trop d'idees lol )

Question 4 : Generally, do you think that studies prepared young people for the working world ?

Heu.. well, I think that you can't get away from studies, because they're necessary : You have to learn theory in order to apply it after, in the work world. But, if you don't do a BTS or an Alternance classes, studies don't prepared you for the work world. For example, I have my "BAC", but i didn't know anything about the work world. All that I know from it, is because of what my familiar had tell me. For my BTS, I have to do some trainings, and I confess that I'm a little afraid when I think about it, because I don't know anything about how working in a company.

Voila pour la premiere partie.. je ne sais pas si mes reponses sont correctes, et si tu penses qu'elles sont incompletes, n'hesite pas a me le faire savoir. Merci d'avance pour ton aide. Je reviendrais avec mon compte rendu des que je l'aurais fini.

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  • E-Bahut

Hello !

Voici la réponse :



I have completed my secondary education curriculum in a high school and passed the baccalauréat (A-levels or high school diploma) in economy with honours.

I have a good general knowledge : I can speak perfect Spanish and French which is my first choice foreign language.(si tu souhaitais dire : « ma langue maternelle », tu aurais écrit « my mother tongue » Si c’est bien le cas, tu rectifieras)

I also have some knowledge of economy and maths.

I’ve decided to study for a BTS on international commerce because I think it could open up a lot of possibilities for the future. (BTS stands for Brevet de Technicien Supérieur which is a vocational training certificate taken after a two-year course. There are many BTS according to different specialisms.)


Etant complètement étranger à ce domaine, j’ai beaucoup de mal à imaginer quelque chose un tant soit peu crédible. Désolé.

Suggestion : n’as-tu jamais effectué un job d’été, genre caissière intérimaire à Carrefour ?

Pourrais-tu imaginer y avoir fait un stage de sensibilisation au monde du travail, au service achats par exemple ?

Ou quoi que ce soit d’autre en rapport avec ton futur BTS commercial ?

En désespoir de cause, ne peux-tu envisager de questionner des gens « du milieu » dans ton entourage familial ou ton cercle d’amis et connaissances ? Ce ne serait pas simple plagiat. Qu’en dis-tu ?


In five years from now, I hope I’ll have completed my studies even if I decided to continue them further to the BTS. I’d like to have started work in a company and be satisfied with my job too. Maybe I’ll have created my own company in the sphere of tourism. I can’t say where I’ll be because I know (that) life is full of surprises.


Well, I think that you can’t get away from studies because they are necessary. You have to learn theory in order to be able to apply it later in the world of work.

If a strong general knowledge is an asset, it is not enough to enable you to succeed and should be completed with a vocational training.

Personally, I have passed the baccalauréat, yet I don’t know much about the world of work. (pour ne pas trop te déprécier !) To study for a BTS, I will have to go on some training courses and I confess that I’m a little afraid when I think about it.

But this is the way I will get to know how a company works. (il vaut mieux terminer sur une note positive, voire valorisante)


Jean fait toujours du très bon boulot ! Tu peux lui faire confiance.

Hasta luego ! :)

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
  • E-Bahut

Bon, comme je vois que l'on t'abandonne un petit peu et que je ne voudrais surtout pas que tu te sentes delaisse ( mdr ), je reviens avec encore quelque chose a te demander.

Alors voila, j'ai un compte rendu a faire sur le texte suivant :

"Training for business. - Postgraduate administration courses are growing in popularity among politicians and mandarins - Public Servants need business training too."

by Francis Beckett, in the Guardian Weekly, dated the 24th to the 30th of september 2004.

We have two great sectors of the economy, as Clement Attlee used to put it, one public and one private. The clash of cultures between public and private sectors has preoccupied politicians and industrialists for most of the half century since Attlee, the inventor of the mixed economy, ceased to be prime minister in 1951.

The idea that the same sort of training might be required for managers in both of them would have seemed very strange in the 1950s - though, curiously, Attlee himself was the first, and so far the only, British prime minister to have studied private sector management methods.

The first British MBAs, awarded by London Business School in the 1960s, were very much geared to the private sector, aimed at future leaders of industry. The popular image of the MBA is still that of a qualification that teaches budding commercial managers about the cut-throat world in which they are going to have to compete.

But today there are several leading politicians with MBAs, including George Bush (Harvard) and William Hague (Insead, the top French business school). In Britain, as pressure grew in the last two decades of the last century for the public sector to adopt private sector disciplines, MBA providers sensed a new market.

Several MBA courses started to in clude a public service option. In 2001 Warwick business school went one further, and launched Britain's first master of public administration. (...) The MPA is run by Warwick's institute of governance and public management, founded in the same year, and it trains senior people in the civil service, local government, quangoes, education, prisons, the health service, the probation service, the police and the voluntary sector.

They study part-time in two-week residential blocks, and the course lasts between three and eight years. Alternatively, they can take a full year off work to study full-time. They receive, according to the university, "a broad political, economic and social vision" and an understanding of "general theories of policy-making, strategy, leadership and organisation".


The Warwick MPA was swiftly followed by others. (...) The University of Kent Business School and Aston Business School are among those which offer something very similar: an MBA in public-sector management.

The Aston course is aimed specifically at that growing army of public-sector people who have to work closely with private-sector organisations, and at managers in business who need to learn how to look after public-sector clients. This is a smart move by Aston, for the whole trend of Conservative and New Labour policy in the last two decades has been to hive off public-sector work to private companies. (...)

But is a public service MBA the best route for public sector managers? Rick Crawley, of Lancaster University business school, makes a case for saying that the benefits of the private sector culture will more easily rub off on public sector managers if they are thrown together on the same course, with, of course, an optional public sector module. (...)

There are advantages to both approaches, says Peter Calladine, accreditation services manager at the Association of MBAs. The key to getting the right course, he says, is to know the differences between the various programmes on offer, and to choose the one that gives you most of what it is you want. He points out that unless you live in a city, or are willing to travel, you may be restricted in your choice, unless you are willing to study by distance learning.

(...) A further alternative is to accept the idea that public service, like business, is becoming global, and to go abroad to study. It might sound odd - government structures vary enormously from country to country - but, say the business schools, there are a great many principles that are relevant to public service everywhere, and contact with public service managers from other countries opens people's eyes to approaches they might not have considered.

( texte trouve sur,00.html )

Bon, tout d'abord je tenais a te dire que si tu vas sur la page et que tu vois que la date et le titre ne correspondent pas, ne t'inquiete pas, je crois simplement que le Cned les a modifie afin que l'on ne puisse pas les retrouver. ( oui, car le devoir est a l'oral, et ils ne nous ont point fourni la retranscription du texte... mais moi j'ai fait ma recherche sur le net... lol )

Alors, voici les questions préliminaires que l'on nous pose ( ne t'inquiete pas, tu n'as pas besoin d'y repondre car j'ai le corrige.. C'est juste pour que ca t'aide a te reperer ensuite )


a) Which sector of the working population is referred to ? What are they interested in ?

The public sector; public servants, civil servants; postgraduate administration courses, business training.


B) What are the two sectors of the mixed economy ? Which exact term is used to explain their contrasting basic principles ?

The public and private sectors, clash of cultures.

c) What is special about Clement Attlee ?

He was the first and is still the only Prime Minister who studied private-sector managements methods.

d) What do the letters MBA stand for ?

Master of Business Administration.

e) When were the first MBAs proposed in Britain ? Which sector were they designed for ?

In the 1960s; the private sector; future leader of industry.

f) Today, what two points do George Washington Bush and William Hague have in common ?

They are both politicians; they both have MBAs.

g) What new option do some MBA courses now offer ?

A public service option.

h) What is an MPA ? ( Question perso : Pourquoi ont ils mis "an" et pas "a" MPA ? ) Who pioneered it ? When ?

Master of Public Administration; the Warwick business school; 2001.

i) Who is the MPA designed for ?

Senior staff in the civil service, local government, education, prisons, health service, probation, police, volontary sector.

j) What two alternatives are offered for people to study this course ? Length of course ? ( Je ne comprends pas ce que signifie "Length" )

Part time over 3 and 8 years; or full-time - a full year off.

k) What are the general objectives of the course ?

To provide an understanding of the general theories of policy-making, strategy, leadership and organisation.

l) What similar course is offered by Aston business school ?

An MBA in public-sector management.

m) What are the specificities of this course ? Who is it designed for ?

Public sector staff who work with private organisations and business managers who work with public sector customers.

n) Why is this course a good idea in the present political climate ?

Recent policy has been to subcontract public-sector work out to private companies.

o) What is Rick Crawley's opinion about this ?

He is sceptical; he thinks public-sector managers should follow the same course as private-sector managers in order to assimilate better the private-sector culture.

p) Is it always easy to find the right course ? Justify.

No - choice is limited to major cities or youmust travel or study by distance learning.

q) What other alternative exists ? What are the advantages ?

To study abroad; even though government structures from country to country are very different, basic principles are the same and contact with people from elsewhere is very beneficial and broadens people's minds.

Comme tu l'auras devine, en vert ce sont les reponses qu'ils me donnent dans mon livre.

Alors je dois faire un compte rendu dont le plan detaille est celui ci :


Presenter le document, en donnant son titre, en citant ses sources et sa date de publication. Definissez-en le theme principal - questions a) et B)


1_ Decrire et comparer la situation entre hier et aujourd'hui - questions e), f) et g) ci dessus.

2_ Montrer l'évolution initialisée par Warwick en la décrivant brièvement - questions h), i), j) et k).

3_ Developper les nouvelles options desormais offertes; detailler leurs avantages et leurs limites - questions l), m), n), p) et q).


Faire une a deux remarques personnes : Pensez vous qu'une connaissance pratique de l'entreprise soit necessaire pour les employes de la fonction publique ? Quels sont les points positifs et negatifs ?

Voila ce que j'ai fait ( Pour le moment, je n'ai pas fait grand chose, seulement l'introduction, mais si tu pouvais quand meme la regarder... )

This article untitled " Training for businees. - Postgraduate administration courses are growing in popularity among politicians and mandarins - Public servants need business training too." has been published by Francis Beckett, in the Guardian Weekly dated to the 24th to the 30th of September of 2004. ( Si tu pouvais me corriger la date, car je ne sais pas vraiment comment il faut la lire.. et comme c'est un devoir a l'oral, j'y serais bien obligee. ) The document talk about the clash of cultures between the two differents sectors of the economy and the fact that Public Servants, for their work and because of the work's environnement of the society, need to take postgraduate courses about business management, like it do in the private-sector.

Je repasserais plus tard dans la journee ( Bon ca sera deja la nuit chez toi ) afin de te poster le reste de mon compte rendu. ( Ne crois pas que j'attends de toi que tu me le fasses, seulement que tu m'apportes quelques corrections necessaires, essentiellement a la syntaxe de mes phrases. )

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  • E-Bahut


Dans la derniere phrase, ca serait "like it does"... Mais je n'ai pas l'impression que l'on comprenne ce que j'ai voulu dire..

Est ce que "as they do in the private-sector" ne serait pas mieux ?

Bon, cette fois ci, j'y vais vraiment...

Et merci d'avance pour le temps que tu me consacreras et pour ton aide :)

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  • E-Bahut

Juste pour rajouter que je viens de me rendre compte que je n'expose pas vraiment le sujet, ( que je n'ai d'ailleurs pas compris ) et que je ne pose aucune problematique, ni aucun plan dans mon intro.

Alors je l'ai corrige, mais la je n'ai pas avec moi ce que j'ai fait. Je le posterais ce soir. Par contre, si tu pouvais m'aider juste pour definir le theme du texte, car je suppose que je dois parler des opportunites qu'on les "Public Servants" comme etudes.

Bon, allez, je file terminer mon compte rendu.


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  • E-Bahut

Bon, alors voila, je vais t'ecrire mon commentaire, si tu peux juste y jeter un coup d'oeil.

This article untitled " Training for business. - Postgraduate administration courses are growing in popularity among politicians and mandarins - Public servants need business training too." has been published by Francis Beckett, in the Guardian Weekly dated to the 24th to the 30th of September of 2004. ( Si tu pouvais me corriger la date, car je ne sais pas vraiment comment il faut la lire.. et comme c'est un devoir a l'oral, j'y serais bien obligee. )

The document talk about the clash of cultures between the two differents sectors of the economy and the fact that Public Servants, for their work and because of the work's environment of the society, need to take postgraduate courses about business management, as they do in the private-sector. For the private-sector, there are some courses like the MBA but, until a few years [/b]( = jusqu'a il y a quelques annees ? ) there was nothing for the public-sector. So, what can they do ? Can public servants study the same courses as they do in the private-sector or have they to do some special courses aimed for them ? ( est ce que tu penses que c'est une bonne problematique ? )

First, we are going to see what is the difference between the past and the present. Then, we will see what is the evolution started by Warwick about, and finally what public servants have as news options. ( = quelles sont les nouvelles options qu'ont les employes publics )

When the first MBAs arrived in Britain in the 1960s, ( nineteen sixtyth = la bonne prononciation ? ) awarded by London Business School, they were geared to the private sector, aimed at future leaders of Industry. So it was a curious thing to see the Prime Minister Clement Attlee studying private sector managements methods, because of the popular image of the MBA that it prepare to the hard competence of the private world.

But nowadays, we can see more and more politicians and leaders politicians who have studied an MBA, like George Bush and William Hague.

Therefore the pressure, in Britain, it appear a new market who try to respond to the needs ( aux besoins ? ) of the public sector : several MBA courses started to include a public service option, specially aimed for Public Servants.

But Warwick Business School went one further by founding ( gerondif de "founded" ? ) the Warwick's Institute of governance and public management and launching (gerondif de launched ?) the first Britain MPA, Master of Public Administration in 2001. ( comment lit on l'annee ? Two zero zero one or two thousand one ? )

The MPA trains senior people in the civil service, local government, quangoes, education, prisons, the health service, the probation service, the police and the voluntary sector. De plus, he offer two differents studies'options. The first one is a part-time studies, that take over three and eight years and the second one is the possibility for people to take a full year off to study full-time.

The general objectives of the courses are, according to the university, " a broad political economic and social vision" and an understanding of " general theories of policy-making, strategy, leadership and organisation".

There are also another possibility of studies, which is proposed by the University of Kent Business School and Aston Business School, who offer something very similar as an MBA in public sector management. This option would be able to help as Public Servants who have to work closely with private-sector than manager in business who work with public-sector clients.

However, for Rick Crawley, the best solution is to study a MBA to learn the private sector culture with an optional public module.

But, bot approaches have their limits ( leurs limites ?) : you need to live in a big city or to be able to travel, unless you are willing to study by distance learnings, and that would reduce your studies' options.

A further alternative too, is to accept the fact taht public-sector is a victim of the globalization too and so, to go abroad to study. Although the government and the structures change a lot between two differents country, the bases and principle of public sector are more or less the same, and it could be interesting to know some others managers of the public sector of foreign country because that can help you to open your mind and to see others alternatives that you haven't/wouldn't have considered before.

Well, I think that public-sector have to be different from private-sector and all the subjects of private-sector management methods are not interesting for public servants. If Public servants would studied the courses of the private sector, maybe public sector would seems closer to the private-sector than to the actual public one. On the other hand, I think some knowledges of the private-sector can be necessary and usefull for Public Servants because the State as the companies, is an economical agent ( agent economique ? ) in our society. And to know how companies work can help Public-sector to understand better the market and allow it to react faster and better at it evolution or at a problem, finding the correct answer.

Voila, je pense que j'ai fini.. Je ne sais pas vraiment ce que ca donne.. Donc j'attends ton avis impatiemment.

Encore une fois, desolee de te faire lire un compte rendu un peu ennuyeux, et merci pour ton temps et ton aide.

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  • E-Bahut

Je te propose quelques modifications comme suit :

rouge= à supprimer

vert = à ajouter

bleu = commentaires

This article WHICH IS Entitled " Training for business. - Postgraduate administration courses are growing in popularity among politicians and mandarins - Public servants need business training too." has been published by Francis Beckett, in the Guardian Weekly dated <to> FROM the 24th to the 30th of September <of> 2004. /thirtieth/ /two thousand and four /

The document <talk> IS about the clash of cultures between the two different<s> sectors of the economy and the fact that Public Servants, for their work and because of the work's environment of the society, need to take postgraduate courses about business management, as they do in the private-sector. For the private-sector, there are some courses like the MBA but, until a few years AGO there was nothing for the public-sector. So, what can they do ? Can public servants study the same courses as they do in the private-sector or DO THEY have <they> to do some special courses aimed for them ? ( est ce que tu penses que c'est une bonne problematique ? )(Cela me parait bon)

First, we are going to see what is the difference between the past and the present. (Selon la règle, on doit dire : what <is> the difference between the past and the present IS).Then, we will see what is the evolution started by Warwick about, (Idem : IS ABOUT)and finally what <public servants have as news options> new options public servants have. ( = quelles sont les nouvelles options qu'ont les employes publics )

When the first MBAs arrived in Britain in the 1960s, ( nineteen sixtyeth = la bonne prononciation ? ) awarded by London Business School, they were geared to the private sector, aimed at future leaders of Industry. So it was a curious thing to see <the> Prime Minister Clement Attlee studying private sector management<s> methods, because of the popular image of the MBA <that it> WHICH (sinon, je ne comprends pas la phrase) prepareD to the hard competence of the private world.

But nowadays, we can see more and more politicians and <leaders politicians> POLITICIAN LEADERS who have <studied> PASSED an MBA, like George Bush and William Hague.

Therefore (underneath ?) the pressure, in Britain, <it> THERE appearS a new market <who try > WHICH TRIES to <respond to> MEET the needs of the public sector : several MBA courses started to include a public service option, specially aimed <for> AT Public Servants.

But Warwick Business School went one STEP further by founding ( gerondif de "founded" ? OK) the Warwick's Institute of governance and public management and launching (gerondif de launched ?OK) the first Britain MPA, Master of Public Administration in 2001. ( comment lit on l'annee ? Two zero zero one or two thousand AND one ? )

The MPA trains senior people in the civil service, local government, quangoes, education, prisons, the health service, the probation service, the police and the voluntary sector. <De plus>WHAT'S MORE, <he> IT/THEY offer(S) two different<s> studies'options. The first one is a part-time studies, <that> WHICH takeS over three and eight years (???)and the second one is the possibility for people to take a full year off to study full-time.

The general objectives of the courses are, according to the university, " a broad political economic and social vision" and an understanding of " general theories of policy-making, strategy, leadership and organisation".

There <are> IS also another possibility of studies, which is proposed by the University of Kent Business School and Aston Business School, <who> WHICH offerS something very similar <as> TO an MBA in THE public sector management. This option would be able to help <as> Public Servants who have to work closely with private-sector <than> AS WELL AS managerS in business who work with public-sector clients.

However, for Rick Crawley, the best solution is to study a MBA to learn the private sector culture with an optional public module.

But, botH approaches have their limits ( leurs limites ?OK) : you need to live in a big city or to be able to travel, unless you are willing to study by distance learnings, and that would reduce your studies' options.

A further alternative too, is to accept the fact that public-sector is a victim of <the> globalization too and so, to go abroad to study. Although the government and the structures change a lot between two different<s country> COUNTRIES, the bases and principle of public sector are more or less the same, and it could be interesting to know some other<s> managers of the public sector of foreign <country> COUNTRIES because that can help you <to> open your mind and <to> see other<s> alternatives that you <haven't/> wouldn't have considered before.

Well, I think that public-sector <have> HAS to be different from private-sector and all the subjects of private-sector management methods are not (NECESSARILY) interesting for public servants. If Public servants <would> (jamais de conditionnel dans la subordonnée)studied the courses of the private sector, maybe THE public sector would seem<s> closer to the private-sector than to the actual public one. On the other hand, I think some knowledge<s> of the private-sector can be necessary and useful<l> for Public Servants because the State <as> LIKE the companies, is an economical agent ( agent economique ? OK) in our society. And <to> knowING how companies work can help THE Public-sector to understand <better> the market BETTER and allow it to react faster and better at itS evolution or at a problem, finding the correct answer.

Je ne suis pas spécialiste de l'économie et des finances mais ton travail me semble bon. Il y a quelques rares fautes d'étourderie...

Good luck ! :)

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  • E-Bahut


Voila tout ce que j'avais envie de te dire, vraiment un grand merci pour ton aide, parce que comme tu as pu le remarquer, l'anglais et moi ca ne fait pas vraiment un.. Au moins, je saurais a qui je le dois si j'ai une bonne note :P lol

Bah voila... Ne disparais pas, car d'ici quelques jours j'aurais encore besoin de toi je sens... ( oui, il me manque encore deux devoirs d'anglais a rendre :P lol )

Encore une derniere fois merci beaucoup pour ta correction :)


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  • E-Bahut

C'est correct "many a student" ? C'est pas plutot "many students" ? Ou ca veut plutot dire " plus d'UN eleve" ?

Et desolee, mais je n'ai pas mon dico a cote, ca veut dire quoi "to master" ?

And i'm not self-confident at all. But with reasons :P Je fais toujours pleins de fautes d'etourderie.. Ce qui m'a valu un beau 10 le jour du bac... But thank you for all you're doing for me.. I don't know why, I'm sure I'm wrong lol

Et des lundi je vais me mettre a mon devoir d'anglais 03 afin de pouvoir venir te demander de l'aide loll :P tu verras que je ne t'oublies pas :P

oui oui, je sais, je suis trop gentille, mais ne me remercie pas :D loll


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  • E-Bahut


J'espérais un peu te faire réagir avec mon "many a" et j'y suis parvenu ! :)

Non, ce n'est pas une faute. Cela correspond au français "maint/mainte (adj.)". Evidemment, on peut le remplacer par "many". (Bien trop commun à mon goût ! lol )

Quant à ton devoir, je suis sur les "starting blocks".




See ya!

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  • E-Bahut

Bon, j'ai compris, un professeur d'anglais ne fait pas de faute d'anglais... Oui j'avais oublie.. La prochaine fois je tournerais 7 fois ma langue avant de parler, et je chercherais ds le dico pour voir si c'est correct.. Mais voila, je suis trop curieuse et impatiente mdr :P

Ah oui, pour l'anglais j'ai regarde.. mais je n'ai fait que ca lolll ! C'est un compte rendu sur un texte qui n'a pas l'air passionant du tout, et cette fois ci je devrais me debrouiller toute seule, sans aucune aide de leur part mdr.. Enfin, je pense que demain ou apres demain je m'y mettrais ;) Profites bien de ton temps libre en attendant mdr :)

P.S: Je te trouve vraiment sympa :) ca fait plaisir de pouvoir discuter mm par topic interpose lol

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  • E-Bahut

You are too kind to me. But, please, don't think teachers never make blunders. They do make blunders, even though some of them are clever enough to hide them. :)

More seriously, I'd like to advise you not to put an "s" for the French 1st person future ("je tournerais" ; "je chercherais" ; je m'y mettrais) nor for the 1st person imperative of the 1st group verbs ( "Profites"). No need to say that 1st group verbs verbs all end in "er"

These pieces of advice aren't meant to point out any weak points of yours but to help you improve your written French. I'd hate to hurt you in any way. :(

I'm eager to know what your next English text will be about. :unsure:

Kindest regards. :)

P.S : Better late than never : "to master" = maîtriser :huh:

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  • E-Bahut

Je voulais te rassurer que mes fautes de francais, ce sont plutot des fautes d'étourderie et d'inattention. Par contre en anglais, c'est vrai que j'ai beaucoup plus de doutes... Surtout que ca ne ressemble en rien au francais ou a l'espagnol, et ca me perturbe tout de meme enormement...

Enfin, juste pour te faire part que ce matin je vais commencer mon devoir d'anglais.. ( oui oui, c'est seulement le matin ici ( 7h43 ))

Sur ce, je te dis @ tres bientot! ;)

P.S: ne t'inquiete pas, je ne prends pas mouche facilement.. Et puis, ne dit-on pas que la critique est constructive ? :)

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  • E-Bahut

C'est dans ce seul but que je me suis permis de relever ces fautes. :)

Il est 21h52. Je pense que j'aurai un aperçu de ton devoir demain. Si ça se trouve, tu es en train d'admirer un superbe coucher de soleil sur la plage ! :rolleyes:

@+ :)

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Heu malheureusement non.. j'ai pas la plage a cote ( meme si j'ai vu sur le Pacifique et les bateaux qui attendent pour traverser le canal... )

La je vais aller etudier, mais je ne sais pas si faire l'anglais loll.. Pas tres envie :P

Bonne nuit, et fais de beaux reves... ( parce que la c'est deja 1h du mat chez toi lol )

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  • E-Bahut

Well.. Here I am.. With my english test...

Bon, d'abord je t'envoie le texte et les questions.. J'ai mis en couleur certains morceaux que je ne comprenais pas tres bien ( meme apres avoir cherche les definitions dans le dictionnaire ). Si il y a des fautes dans le texte, je te prie de bien vouloir m'en excuser, car je l'ai tape a la main...


Turning Japanese


Is Japan a big opportunity for Wal-Mart, Tesco and other foreign retailers ?

It is hard to imagine a more contrasting pair of retailers than Japan’s Daiei and America’s Wal-Mart. The only benchmarks consistently lower than Wal-Mart’s competitive prices are the performance standards to which Daiei’s managers hold themselves. Although Japan’s third-biggest-retailer has been bailed out twice in the past three years, receiving total loan write-offs of & ( je mets ca car je n’ai pas le signe de la monnaie du Japon ) 640 billion ($ 5.1 billion), it shows little sign of restoring itself to solvency, let alone profitability. Daiei’s managers admit that they need help yet again, but continued to cling this week to a feeble plan that would involve lots of vanishing debt but little genuine restructuring. Daiei’s bankers instead want sweeping changes that would fix its problems for good. That has prompted Wal-Mart, among others, to consider buying Daiei’s retail business, as part of overhaul.

Japan’s biggest supermarket operator, Aeon, has also said it is interested, and Ito-Yokado, the second biggest, is said to be considering a bid too. Several private equity funds are also looking for ways to get a stake in Daiei, perhaps by joining forces with one of the interested retailers. They include Ripplewood - an American fund that last year arranged Japan’s biggest ever leveraged buy-out, of Japan Telecom’s fixed-line business – and Kiacon, a domestic fund specialising in reviving retailers.

Aeon is keen to grow and announced earlier this year that it would raise &100 billion in the stockmarket to finance new stores. Acquiring Daiei – as it did another failed retailer, Mycal, which went bust in 2001 – would be one way to grow quickly. Moreover, Aeon will be keen to stop Daiei’s retail network going to Wal-Mart or another foreign competitor . Since Japan’s restrictive zoning rules were relaxed in the late 1990s, Wal-Mart and other big foreign retailers haves established a toehold. Aeon’s boss, Motoya Okada, says that his biggest challenge now is to win the race “between how much time we will need to become competitive, and how much time global retailers will need to understand Japanese consumers and the market.”

Carrefour, a French supermarket operator, has opened eight outlets in Japan, including four in the past year. Tesco, Britain’s biggest supermarket operator, has acquired a pair of smallish Japanese retailers, C Two-Network and Fre’C, and is quietly looking to expand further. Wal-Mart has so far taken a cautious approach in Japan. In 2002 it bought a small stake in Seiyu, a big department-store chain, which it has since increased to 37%. Seiyu’s managers have fiercely resisted Wal-Mart’s no-nonsense, cost-cutting approach, but that is unsurprising, and it is too soon to rule this venture a failure. Nor is it clear yet whether Wal-Mart is keen on Daiei because it has been disappointed with Seiyu or because it actually likes what it has learned so far about Japan.

But Daiei’s managers seem determined to disappoint Wal-Mart and many other suitors. They have stitched together a plan that would call for more debt write-offs and closer co-operation with Marubeni Corporation ( a trading company with which it does a lot of business ) and Tokyu Land ( which Daiei believes can help it manages its hotel and other property holdings ). The plan is a desperate effort to avoid being sent to Japan’s Industrial Revitalisation Corporation, which was set up last year to take bad borrowers and reshape them into something (hopefully ) more sensible. This state-run outfit would be charged with deciding how to split up Daiei’s business units, and to whom they should then be sold.

Clearly, Daiei’s managers - who still defend the firm’s ownership of a baseball team , along with many other non-core business – do not grasp the concept of “three-strikes-and-you’re-out”. But unfortunately for them, the firm’s biggest lender, UFJ, is under fierce pressure from regulators to raise its own game by cleaning up bad loans properly, rather than finding temporary fixes. If the bankers stick to their new hard line, the battle to buy Daiei will soon be heating up.

1_ Compte rendu

a) After reading and analyzing the document " Turning Japanese", you will write out the plan structure you intend to follow. ( Ca veut dire faire le plan detaille non ? ) B) After introducing the document, you will write a structured account of the article in English in about 360 words (+/- 10%)

You will be careful to include the essential information and to link up the main ideas. You will conclude by highlighting a specificity of the Japanese retail market, as developed in the document, and the challenge this market poses to foreign companies who wish to expand their operations there.

2_ Traduction

You will translate paragraph 4 ( " Carrefour ... so far about Japan") into English. ( c'est une question qui peut te paraitre bete, mais comme je n'ai personne d'autre a qui la poser, et bien voila... Est ce qu'ils ne se seraient pas trompe et que ca ne devrait pas etre into French ? Parce que la, moi je comprends qu'il faut le traduire en Anglais, ce qui est en soi completement bete puisque le texte est donne en Anglais. )

3_ Lettre Commerciale

Vous etes l'adjoint(e) de direction du service Commercial International d'un fabricant de maroquinerie haut de gamme, SMART'N CHIC, situe 237 bd Lafayette. 63100 Clermont Ferrand.

Rédigez une lettre en anglais, reference PT102/7. datee du 4 Fevrier 2005 que signera votre directrice, Mme Colette Pamard.

Cette lettre est destinee a ... blablabla...

Dans cette lettre, vous l'informez que :

_ votre societe fabrique des objets de maroquinerie haut de gamme ( sacs a main, cartables et vanity-cases, porte-monnaie, ceintures ) depuis 10 ans et les exporte egalement deja dans toute l'Europe.

_ Vous n'utilisez que du cuir de grande qualite cousu main et vos ouvriers sont des specialistes hautement formes dans le travail du cuir. Vous travaillez egalement avec la marque Longchamp pour qui vous fabriquez en exclusivite un etui a chequier.

_ Vous cherchez a present un distributeur pour vos produits au Japon et vous etes interesse par un contrat de distribution avec Seiku.

_ Vous joignez la plaquette de l'entreprise et votre catalogue.

_ Vous restez a sa disposition pour tout autre renseignement.

_ Formule de politesse

_ Signature

_ Pieces jointes.

Bon alors voila mon devoir.... Pour le moment, j'avoue que je n'ai pas fait grd chose, je me suis surtout penchee sur le texte qui me pose probleme.

Selon ce que j'ai compris, ils y parlent de l'entreprise Daiei, un detaillant japonais, le troisieme sur le marche japonais, qui connait des difficultes financieres, malgre le fait qu'il ai deja emprunte deux fois durant les trois dernieres annees. Ses managers tentent de s'en sortir et avouent qu'ils necessitent encore un pret, tandis que sa banque lui demande des changements radicaux... Ce qui pousserait l'entreprise Wal-Mart, entre autre, a la racheter.

Ensuite, ils disent que les deux plus grand detaillants du marche sont eux aussi interesses par le rachat de Daiei. Ainsi que "several private equity funds" ( je n'ai pas compris comment on le traduirait en francais ) qui eux seraient interesses a avoir des parts de l'entreprise, p-e en s'associant avec un detaillant interesse.

Puis ils parlent du plus gros detaillant Aeon, qui a decide d'augmenter son budget afin d'ouvrir de nouvelles boutiques/magasins. L'acquisition de Daiei, comme il l'a deja fait avec Mycal, lui permettrait d'accroitre plus rapidement ses parts de marche ( ou de grandir plus vite... ) Surtout que cela lui permettrait de mettre un frein aux autres detaillants qui ont deja mis un pied dans le marche japonais. Donc, l'objectif du chef de Aeon est de gagner "la course" en mettand moins de temps a devenir competitif que les autres en mettront pour comprendre le marche japonais et ses consommateurs.

Ils parlent ensuite de Carrefour, un supermarche francais qui a deja ouvert 8 magasins au Japon, dont 4 l'annee derniere. Puis de Tesco, la plus grde chaine de supermarche de Grande Bretagne, qui a acquis deux petits detaillants Japonais et qui est en train de regarder pour s'etendre plus. Enfin, ils expliquent le cas de Wal-Mart qui a pris des parts dans une entreprise Japonais qui a augmente jsuqu'a 37%. Les managers de Seiyu ont resiste avec acharnement a l'approche directe de Wal-Mart visant a reduire les frais, mais cela n'a rien d'etonnant, et il ne faut pas pour autant en conclure que cette association ou ce joint venture est un echec. "Nor" ( comment cela se traduit il ? ) Maintenant, il est clair que si Wal-Mart est interesse par Daiei c'est soit parce qu'il a ete decu par Seiyu soit parce qu'il a aime ce qu'il a appris du Japon ( comment traduirais-tu "it has learned so far about Japan" ? )

Ensuite, le texte parle du fait que les managers ( ou les dirigeants pour parler en francais lol ) sont determines a decevoir, enfin c'est plutot a aneantir leurs espoirs... non ? Ils ont mis en place un projet qui appelle a plus d'emprunt et entraine une cooperation plus proche avec Marubani Corporation et Tokyu . Ce projet est une ultime tentative desesperee pour eviter d'etre envoyee au Japan's Industrial Revitalising Corporation, qui a ete cree l'an dernier et qui a pour mission d'eloigner les mauvais ( dans le sens ou ils ne remboursent pas ) emprunteurs des banques et ? enfin, je comprends le reste de la phrase, ils veulent dire qu'ils vont tenter de les reorganiser ou rediriger dans quelque chose d¿'un peu plus "serieux". C'est a cette entreprise que reviendra la decision de diviser les unites de la societe Daiei et qui decidera a qui elles seront vendues.

En clair, les dirigeants de Daiei - qui continuent a defendre leur propre entreprise ( apres pas compris l'allusion au baseball, a part le fait qu'ils disent qu'ils n'arrivent pas a marquer ) - et qui ne veulent pas comprendre le concept de " trois strikes et tu sors". Mais malheureusement pour eux, la plus grde entreprise de prets est sous une terrible pression des regulateurs qui va augmenter son propre "jeu" en "nettoyant" les emprunts non regles.

Si les banquiers ( de Daiei ) maintiennent leurs exigences, le "conflit" quant a l'achat de Daiei risque de s'echauffer rapidement.

Bon, je viens de me rendre compte de tout ce que j'ai ecris.. Pauvre de toi.. Je suis vraiment desolee de te donner tout ca a lire, surtout que ma traduction ( fait a la va vite ) doit laisser a desirer. C'etait juste pour que tu puisses me dire si je me trompe dans ma comprehension du texte.

Je te remercie d'avance pour prendre le temps ( et pour trouver l'envie ) de me lire et de me corriger.

Ne t'inquiete pas, ce soir je vais terminer ( ou essayer ) de repondre aux questions selon ce que j'ai compris du texte, et puis je reviens demain pour te le poster... Je promets que ce sera plus bref, lol!

Encore une fois, merci :) Vraiment, du fond du coeur.. Parce que tu ne peux pas t'imaginer comme ca me prend la tete et comme je stresse a l'idee de m'y mettre... :P Mais maintenant je sais que meme si je tombe pendant l'entrainement, j'aurais un filet de securite pour me rattraper...

Oula, ca commence a devenir grave la, mes comparaisons.... Alors je te laisse, j'arrete de te saouler..

@+ ( et merci )

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2_ Traduction

You will translate paragraph 4 ( " Carrefour ...  so far about Japan") into English. ( c'est une question qui peut te paraitre bete, mais comme je n'ai personne d'autre a qui la poser, et bien voila... Est ce qu'ils ne se seraient pas trompe et que ca ne devrait pas etre into French ? Parce que la, moi je comprends qu'il faut le traduire en Anglais, ce qui est en soi completement bete puisque le texte est donne en Anglais. )


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  • E-Bahut

A vrai dire, j'aurais prefere traduire de l'anglais a... l'anglais! loll

Juste pour te donner un peu de mes nouvelles, ou plutot, des nouvelles de mon devoir. J'ai commence a repondre a la premiere question ce matin, des que j'ai fini, je viens la poster :)

Bonne fin de semaine a toi :)

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Kikou c'est moi... loll

Oui oui, j'ai enfin eu le courage d'affronter le monstre ( bah oui, c'est mon devoir d'anglais ca... mdr )

Pour la premier question, est ce que le plan detaille pourrait etre cela :

I_ l'entreprise Daiei

A ) Les difficultes rencontres par l'entreprise

( qu'ils ont deja fait deux emprunts en trois ans, qu'ils ont encore besoin d'emprunt, etc... )

B ) Les solutions trouves par l'entreprise

( le fait qu'ils ont veulent encore emprunter, qu'ils veulent s'associer avec deux entreprises afin de pouvoir se redresser un peu )

C ) Les problemes qui difficultent l'action de l'entreprise

( Les banquiers qui mettent la pression, le fait qu'ils risquent d'etre envoye au Japan's Industrial Revitalising Corporation ( ou bien ca va dans le A ) ? ) et finalement UFJ qui n'accepte plus les "mauvais emprunteurs" )

II_ Les offres ( ou les entreprises interessees, ou le marche exterieur )

A ) Les entreprises nationales interessees

B ) Les entreprises internationales deja installees sur le marche

Voila mes idees.. Mais j'avoue que ce n'est pas tres fameux.. Je vais y reflechir, mais si tu veux bien me donner ton avis, meme en francais, cela me serait utile :)

Et la deuxieme question, sur " you will write a structured account of the article", c'est d'apres ce plan la qu'il faut le faire non ?

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  • E-Bahut

Je t'envoie ma traduction :

Carrefour, a French supermarket operator, has opened eight outlets in Japan, including four in the past year. Tesco, Britain’s biggest supermarket operator, has acquired a pair of smallish Japanese retailers, C Two-Network and Fre’C, and is quietly looking to expand further. Wal-Mart has so far taken a cautious approach in Japan. In 2002 it bought a small stake in Seiyu, a big department-store chain, which it has since increased to 37%. Seiyu’s managers have fiercely resisted Wal-Mart’s no-nonsense, cost-cutting approach, but that is unsurprising, and it is too soon to rule this venture a failure. Nor is it clear yet whether Wal-Mart is keen on Daiei because it has been disappointed with Seiyu or because it actually likes what it has learned so far about Japan

Carrefour, une chaîne francaise de supermarché/ de supermarché francais, a ouvert huit points de ventes au Japon, dont quatre l'année dernière. Tesco, la plus grande chaîne britannique de supermarché a acquis deux / une paire d'assez petits détaillants japonais, C Two-Network et Fre'C, et il est en train de regarder/ regarde ( ou plutot recherche ? ) discretement pour se développer/s'etendre davantage. Wal-Mart a, jusqu'ici/jusqu'à maintenant pris/ opte pour une approche prudente. En 2002 il a acheté quelques actions/interets de Seiyu, une importante chaíne de grands magasins avec lequel il a depuis augmente jusqu'a 37% / qu'il a depuis augmente jusqu'a 37%. Les dirigeants de Seiyu ont resisté avec acharnement / se sont ardemment opposés à l'approche directe de Wal-mart visant à reduire les frais/les dépenses, mais cela n'est pas vraiment surprenant, et il est trop tot pour déclarer/annoncer l'échec de cette entreprise. Il n'est pas encore clair/sur non plus si Wal-Mart est interessé par Daiei parce qu'il a été décu avec Seiyu ou parce qu'en fait il a aime ce qu'il a appris jusqu'ici/jusqu'a maintenant a propos du Japon.

Voila ma traduction, en bleu, comme tu l'auras devine, les differentes tournures entre lesquelles j'hesite..

J'espere que ca ira :) et encore merci a toi de me consacrer un peu de ton temps


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Lettre commerciale :

3_ Lettre Commerciale

Vous etes l'adjoint(e) de direction du service Commercial International d'un fabricant de maroquinerie haut de gamme, SMART'N CHIC, situe 237 bd Lafayette. 63100 Clermont Ferrand.

Rédigez une lettre en anglais, reference PT102/7. datee du 4 Fevrier 2005 que signera votre directrice, Mme Colette Pamard.


237 bd Lafayette

63100 Clermont Ferrand



1237 Hoku Street West



February 4th, 2005

Our reference : PT102/7

Attention Director

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing to present you our company, SMART'N CHIC, because we are looking for a distributor for our products in Japan and we will be interested to enter into a distribution contract with you.

Our company manufactures up-market morocco-leather tanning products ( like hand-bags, school-bags ( cartable ? ) and vanity-cases, wallet ( purse ? ), belts )

for ten years and we also export to Europe ( to the whole europe ? )

We only use high-quality leather which it is made by hand and we have semi-skilled workers highly fully-formed to the leather work. We equally work with the Longchamp mark for who we exclusively manufactures a cheque-case.

Enclosed you will find an advertising brochure about our company and our catalogue.

Please contact us again if you hane any questions.

Yours faithfully

Colette Pamard ( signature )

Colette Pamard,

Director of the International Commerce service.

Voila... a+

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